About the event and your attendance - WindEurope Annual Event 2025

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About the event and your attendance

Plan your attendance

1. Registration

WindEurope is happy to offer a complimentary 3-day Conference and Exhibition pass to our confirmed speakers and poster presenters. Please note that you will not have to register yourself to the event, but registrations will be carried out by WindEurope as of December 2024. More information will be provided in due course.

This complimentary pass is only applicable to the listed speaker or poster presenter.

2. Travel & lodging information

3. Biography, job title & photo

4. What if you can’t make it after all?

Find your way around the event

For venue information, click here

1. General areas

2. Conference area

  1. Session rooms
  2. Poster area
  3. The poster area is located next to the conference rooms.

  4. Speaker room
    • The speaker room is accessible for chairs and speakers every day during the event, from 8:00 until 17:00 . In case you have questions, please come see a conference team member in the speaker room as we are always present in the speaker room.
    • You can update your presentation ahead of your session on computers made available in the speaker room.
  5. Room set-up and AV equipment
    • Room set up is in theatre style, available equipment includes a lectern & microphone, a projector, a screen, and a remote control/clicker.
    • You will not be able to use your own laptop during the session for your presentation. The AV team will load all slides remotely on the lectern laptop. During the session, you can control your slides on this laptop using a clicker or the keyboard
    • There is an AV technician to manage the AV equipment.

3. Exhibition area

Event Ambassadors

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WindEurope Annual Event 2022