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Jenna Iori, Assistant Professor, TU Delft
As the penetration of renewable energy increases in the generation mix, the problem of power dispatchability becomes more critical. The co-location of storage systems with wind energy is a promising solution to shift power production from periods of high wind resource availability to periods of high electricity demand. Producing a baseload power from wind energy all or most of the time is an example of such dispatchability. In this work, we present an optimization-based dispatch strategy to produce a baseload power. At every time step, an optimization problem is solved to decide the storage operation, to maximize revenues on the electricity market and reach a given reliability target. The proposed method is evaluated for 9 offshore sites with a 100 MW wind farm and storage system, for one year of operation. By using the proposed method and a worst-case version of the forecast, the reliability target is reached for all sites, with a decrease in revenues below 5%. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of providing a reliable baseload power from wind energy in the presence of forecast uncertainty.