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Impact of innovative maintenance technologies on offshore wind farm performance
Christian Schläger, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Cost reduction within the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) phase plays a key role in reducing the levelized cost of energy generated by offshore wind farms. While innovative maintenance technologies offer promising solutions, they also present significant financial risks for wind farm operators, as it is challenging to assess the profitability of technology integration. The simulation-based assessment of innovative concepts can facilitate the identification of their potential, support the integration of new technologies, and help prioritize research and development efforts. This study evaluates the potential of various cutting-edge O&M technologies in a comparative manner by employing a unified methodology using the O&M simulation software OffshoreTIMES. Innovations in four different application areas are investigated: Novel Crew-Transfer-Vessel (CTV) designs, crane-less technologies, inspection drones, and rotor blade repair robots. To address for diverse technological development stages, each technology is evaluated in a conservative near-present and an optimistic future scenario. Additionally, combined technology scenarios are simulated in order to gain insight into the interactions between technologies. The findings demonstrate that innovative maintenance concepts can significantly enhance availability and curtail O&M expenditures. Among the technologies assessed, novel CTV designs and crane-less technologies are identified as the most promising from both a technical and economic perspective. Although automation and autonomisation of maintenance processes through the use of inspection drones and blade robots contribute to performance improvements, their impact is relatively smaller. Integrated scenarios demonstrate that these technologies are not in competition with one another; rather, they are complementary, resulting in a cumulative performance benefit.