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Michael Mitchell, Business Development Manager, Siemens Energy
Siemens Energy has undertaken a study to evaluate and quantify which is the most cost effective and efficient way of connecting a string of Floating Offshore Wind turbines (FOWT) across the complete life of a project. Our focus is across the complete life of the project because the operations and maintenance phase of these 25-year projects is far longer than the manufacturer and install phase and can have a greater influence on the project's overall success. This study has two focus areas. The first has explored Inter Array Cables (IAC) and look to understand which is the most efficient layout. Is it the daisy chain that was used in fixed wind or something new such as a star or fish bone layout? The second focus area is to quantify how much time can be saved along with identifying any other additional benefits of adding a quick connection system or combination of quick connection system either at the turbine, as part of the floater or on the seabed. These two focus areas have enabled us to provide the best electrical solution for a series of FOWT.