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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics, and will give delegates an opportunity to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in industry and the academic community.
On 9 April at 17:15, we’ll also hold the main poster session and distinguish the 7 best posters of this year’s edition with our traditional Poster Awards Ceremony. Join us at the poster area to cheer and meet the laureates, and enjoy some drinks with all poster presenters!
We look forward to seeing you there!

PO028: Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine platform dedicated to Hydrogen Production
Bertrand Auriac, Floater and Mooring Design Principal Engineer, Seaway7
France has a strong offshore wind potential linked to its large Exclusive Economic Zone, a significant part of it being targeted for floating wind developments. The country also has ambitions to locally produce, within a decade, gigawatts of "green" hydrogen from renewable energy. Development programs in the North Sea (in particular in Germany and the Netherlands) clearly show the value of producing this renewable hydrogen offshore within the wind farm, when the distance to the shore makes it much more cost-effective to transport the farmed wind energy as molecules of hydrogen in a subsea pipeline rather than using large-capacity subsea electric cables. Could this learning become applicable to floating offshore wind developments in France? Within the frame of the OPHARM phase 2 project (Offshore Production of Hydrogen from Offshore Wind Advanced Analysis, a project delivered by a consortium of French and international industrial, institutional and academic players led by France Energies Marines), authors are leading the conceptual study for the design of a floating hydrogen production turbine, i.e. a floating system combining a commercial scale wind turbine and a hydrogen production system fueled by the power delivered by the turbine to produce hydrogen from seawater via electrolysis. The various existing floater technologies have been screened to identify the designs best suited for the installation and operation of a hydrogen production system, while considering all facets associated with the realization of a commercial scale floating wind turbine with electrolysis capacity offshore France, and the future industrialization of the concept. The presentation will introduce the OPHARM2 project, expose the screening & design methodologies considered for the floater technology selection, with a particular focus on industrialization, safety, access & maintenance. A conceptual design of a floating offshore wind semi-submersible dedicated to hydrogen production is presented, especially the arrangement of all equipment needed for hydrogen production.
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