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We would like to invite you to come and see the posters at our upcoming conference. The posters will showcase a diverse range of research topics, and will give delegates an opportunity to engage with the authors and learn more about their work. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or simply curious about the latest developments in your field, we believe that the posters will offer something of interest to everyone. So please join us at the conference and take advantage of this opportunity to learn and engage with your peers in industry and the academic community.
On 9 April at 17:15, we’ll also hold the main poster session and distinguish the 7 best posters of this year’s edition with our traditional Poster Awards Ceremony. Join us at the poster area to cheer and meet the laureates, and enjoy some drinks with all poster presenters!
We look forward to seeing you there!

PO021: Connection concepts for Germany's far out North Sea offshore wind areas for an efficient energy transition and energy system integrated approach
Robert Seehawer, Managing Director, AquaVentus Förderverein
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) and green hydrogen production are core pillars of the German and European energy transition, providing substantial benefits but also presenting challenges. Investment costs for electric connections of OWFs remote from the shore are substantial and distances further increase due to the necessity of onshore grid connection points reaching far into the mainland. Additionally, OWFs' revenues depend on power prices in times of wind with the risk of low prices if onshore renewable energy resources (RES) produce simultaneously. Both circumstances may lead to either the necessity of support mechanisms (subsidies) and corresponding (socially shared) costs or the risk that necessary investments to facilitate the energy transition will be postponed. Green hydrogen production via electrolysis is exposed to power price risks (onshore electrolysis) or a limited amount of full load hours (offshore electrolysis only supplied by an offshore wind farm). As the hydrogen economy is still in an early phase, hydrogen price risks are high and are interconnected to global market prices once hydrogen becomes a traded commodity. AquaVentus presents a study assessment of connection concepts for OWFs regarding their socio-economic benefit and their environmental impacts: 1. OWFs with a purely electric connection, 2. OWFs with offshore electrolysers and hydrogen pipeline connection and 3. OWFs in a combination of 1 and 2: "mixed connection concept". The latter assessment very much focusses on a system integrated approach of the North Sea infrastructure built-out. The assessment is complemented by a consideration of the corresponding legal and regulatory conditions for offshore hydrogen and mixed connection concepts.
No recording available for this poster.