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Grid Assessment Analyst, BlueFloat Energy
Mrs. Leal is currently working as Grid Assessment Analyst in BlueFloat Energy focused on the analysis and design of power systems for offshore wind projects in different markets. She started her career in the offshore wind industry when she joined the company almost two years ago. She studied Energy Engineering in the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and specialized her professional path with a Master in Renewable Energy in Electrical Systems in Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M). Before starting her career in offshore wind, she gained more than 3 years of experience working as technical engineer in railway electrification projects and in the design of a Spallation Neutron Source under construction in Lund, Sweden. She is passionate about offshore wind and electrical systems and keen to work helping the industry facing the current and future grid challenges.Posters
- Offshore Wind Integration and Grid Stability Challenge: Methodology for a Preliminary Evaluation of a new Offshore Wind Farm Stability from Early Stages of Project Development