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Head of Electrical & Mechanical, Polytech
Søren Find Madsen graduated in high voltage engineering in 2001 and completed a PhD within lightning interaction with wind turbine blades in 2006. Since then, Søren has founded and worked in various companies offering lightning protection design and testing services, with a focus on numerical modeling and HV and HC testing. At Polytech A/S, where Søren serves as Principal Engineer within lightning protection and holds a position as Head of Electrical & Mechanical, R&D, he is responsible for all Polytech's products within lightning protection for blades, lightning measurements and analysis, legislation, research, standardization, IPR, etc. Søren is convenor of the Danish national standardization committee for lightning protection of wind turbine, and secretary for the IEC MT24 committee editing and writing international standards within the topic.Posters
- In situ Lightning Monitoring Systems (LMS) for improved wind farm operation