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Innovation and Standardisation, Siemens Energy
Martin Stoessl is Customer Innovation Manager at Siemens Energy Power Transformers with over 30 years experience in different areas of transformer business. Martin is current responsible for value co-creation with customers and developed a fire safe substation concept - PRETACT EcoSafeT - for a safe and sustainable energy supply. He started with calculation of power transformers and was later on responsible for technical design calculation and strategic contracts in Near East. From 2000 on Martin focused on process organization and he was business improvement director for Siemens Transformers worldwide. In 2009 he changed to research and development department. From 2012 to 2019 he managed the global technology centre, which contains beside research and development, offer & order engineering as well as global operation support for Siemens Large Power Transformer.Posters
- New industry standard regarding product safety and EHS for offshore wind turbine power transformers