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Associate - Offshore Wind, The Carbon Trust
Christina Starost has been working in offshore wind for 5 years and is currently an Offshore Wind Associate at the Carbon Trust in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. She holds a BA in Politics from University of Konstanz, Germany and a MSc in Environmental Sustainability from University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom where she focused her research on offshore wind regulation and policy development in Europe. In her role at Carbon Trust, she concentrates on the set-up and management of a wide range of large-scale R&D projects under the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), focusing predominantly on structural optimisation of bottom-fixed turbines. In addition to this she specialises in pre-feasibility studies and market readiness assessments across the offshore wind life-cycle in emerging markets, such as APAC, the US, India, and South Africa.Posters
- OWA Design of Offshore Monopiles Including Seismic Interaction with Soil (DONISIS) project