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Lead Wind Turbine Egineer, BlueNewables
Albert has been working in the offshore wind industry for eight years with experience in both, the industry and public research. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and a Master in Wind Energy at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He is currently the Lead Wind Turbine Engineer at Bluenewables, where he works in a large variety of projects solving the challenges of modelling WTGs in the complex environment of the floating offshore wind. He worked previously for Siemens Gamesa as a Load Engineer and before for DTU Wind Energy and IH Cantabria as a researcher. Desing of large WTGs, dynamic modelling, and control of floating and fixed offshore wind turbines are his topics of expertise.Posters
- WIND-bos Extendable Spar Dynamics and T&I Operations for a 25 MW WTG