Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2025

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Scale up, Electrify, Deliver
Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness Scale up, Electrify, Deliver
Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness

Presenters and Speakers

Adrián Amid

Principal Consultant, Wood PLC


Mr. Amid has been working in the wind industry for nearly 10 years. He is currently Principal Consultant at Wood, based in Glasgow, Scotland, and specialises in energy analysis for wind farms at both pre-construction and operational stages, with focus on reconciliation between predictions and true performance. He studied Chemical Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán in Argentina and has a Masters in Sustainable Energy Systems from the University of Edinburgh. After his Masters studies, he has been employed at Wood in his wind analyst role and has been involved in wide variety of wind projects globally, including over 20 GW of offshore wind capacity. He has also been involved in a number of specific research areas, including power performance during complex offshore flow events and wake model validation.
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