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Professor, DTU Wind Energy
Christian Bak is a professor and heading the Airfoil and Rotor Design section and the Poul la Cour Tunnel at DTU Wind Energy. He has carried out research at DTU Wind Energy since 1997. His main activity is within theoretical and experimental airfoil and rotor aerodynamics. He has been designer and co-designer of the wind turbine dedicated Risø airfoils, which are used on MW rotors. Also, different concepts of rotor design have been investigated, e.g. he is co-inventor on the use of active trailing edge flaps for wind turbines. Examples of his activities are the detailed aerodynamic full-scale measurements on a 2 MW wind turbine rotor - the so called DAN-AERO MW project, principal organizer and project leader of the establishment of the artificial DTU 10 MW wind turbine and leading projects to investigate the influence of blade leading edge roughness on the aerodynamic performance.Posters
- A parameter study of leading edge protection in a wind tunnel