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Project Engineer- Asset & Sustainability Performance, UL Solutions
PhD Nurseda Y. Yurusen holds two Master degrees in Energy Engineering (Iztech) and in Wind Power Project Management (Uppsala). Between 2015 and 2022, She was a researcher, where she was also involved in the Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise (AWESOME) project within the European Union's Marie Curie Innovative Training Network. As a part of this project, she developed her PhD thesis. She is co-author of various articles published in scientific journals (Renewable Energy, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Energy Procedia) and international conferences (IEEE CyberWorlds, Smart Grids, IEEE GreenTech, TORQUE, WindEurope, EUPVSEC, etc.). She was a lecturer at the University of Zaragoza, Renewable Energy Grid Integration Master Courses in 2021 & 2022. She joined to UL Solutions family in September 2022 for performing various technical services related with wind resource assessment and to be contact person of IBLA team for Openwind.Posters
- Revisiting Grid Availability Loss in Wind Power Energy Estimations