SpeakersPostersPresenters’ dashboardProgramme committeeLiDAR I
When: Monday, 10 June 2024, 15:15 - 16:15
Where: Pembroke-Herbert room
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Session description
Wind lidars have been established technology in wind energy for several years. Their advantages in terms of flexibility and low cost in many situations are well understood. Expanding the technology’s intelligent application, including for different purposes and in different contexts, offers further benefits to the wind energy industry. In this session you will hear from leading practitioners and researchers as they seek to push the boundaries of lidar technology application further.
Session chair

Julia Gottschall
Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Brian Gribben
Research & Innovation Manager, ONE KBR Technical Fellow, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

WindCal2: an innovative way to calibrate wind sensors
Paula Gómez
Head of Section Testing and Calibration, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Assessing the value and accuracy requirements for Turbulence Intensity I offshore wind
Andrew Oldroyd
Director, Oldbaum Services
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