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Wind Turbine Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Optimization Using Advanced Performance, Health, and Reliability Models
Clément Jacquet, Senior Researcher, EPRI
As wind power generation continues its remarkable growth, surpassing 1000GW of global installed capacity in 2023 with expectations of doubling by 2030, there is an increasing demand to reduce operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, and overall capital expenses (CAPEX) and operational expenses (OPEX). EPRI in-collaboration with DTU and EDF have been addressing these wind industry needs by developing cutting-edge methods for turbine loads, performance, health, and reliability assessments ensuring reduction in costs and improving annual energy production (AEP). An advanced offshore O&M model was developed considering the vessel accessibility based on the met-ocean conditions, the turbine operation strategies in case of damage and failure, the electricity price scenarios, and the probability modelling of the failure events for major systems such as main bearing, gearbox, and generator. These physics-based analytical models were demonstrated using wind farm data, including turbine design specifications, SCADA data, reliability data, and major systems repairs/replacements costs. This work has been successfully conducted by leveraging European Commission funding under offshore HIPERWIND project. In this presentation, technical approach focusing on the development and implementation of advanced optimum O&M and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) models will also be discussed in detail. This includes: 1. Obtaining insights on the need for a generalized holistic approach by integrating CAPEX, OPEX, wind farm characteristics, turbine model, and financial model for onshore and offshore applications. 2. Understanding the importance of considering optimum O&M and LCOE models for making business and technical decisions on current and future wind fleet. 3. Using reliability forecasting and health monitoring models for critical turbines identification, O&M budget allocation, and resource planning.
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