3E | Patrick Hoebeke | Senior Consultant Wind Energy | R&D | Belgium |
3E | Karthik Badarinath | Data Engineer | Belgium |
3E | Arthur Ostyn | Renewable energy expert | Belgium |
Aarhus University | Tharsika P Srirajan | PhD Student | Denmark |
ABO Wind AG | Lukas Mylonas | Team Leader Site Appraisal | Germany |
ACCIONA GENERACIÓN RENOVABLE, S.A. | Antonio Casas | Wind resource engineer | Spain |
Actu Environnement | Sophie Fabregat | Journalist | France |
Aerones | Renate Guslena | Vice President of Engineering & Product | Latvia |
AKROCEAN | Salma YAHIAOUI | R&D engineer | France |
Algonquin Power | Carlos Gomes Ferreira | Lead Resource Analyst | Canada |
Alterric Deutschland Gmbh | Angelos Diamantopoulos | Head of Optimization Office | Germany |
Alterric GmbH | Georgios Valsamakis | Development Project Manager | Greece |
Amazon Web Services | Fabio Bottoni | Specialist Solutions Architect | Italy |
Ammonit Measurement GmbH | Vincent Camier | Managing Director | Germany |
anemos GmbH | Lasse Blanke | Director | Germany |
ARDIAN - RE2E | Kurt Stürken | Operating Partner | Germany |
Ardian France | Skander Kamoun | Senior Data Scientist | France |
Ardian France | Guillaume Rigaud | Data Scientist | France |
ATM-PRO S.R.L. | Alexis Dutrieux | MD | Belgium |
Atmos Renewables | Jack Solano | Senior Wind Engineer | Australia |
Austrian Power Grid AG | Felix Heidinger | Data Science | Austria |
BARLOVENTO RECURSOS NATURALES S.L. | Daniel Ortiz | Wind Resource | Spain |
BARLOVENTO RECURSOS NATURALES S.L. | Luis Alfonso Elizalde Gómez | Project Manager | Spain |
Baywa r.e Operation Services Ltd | Mateo Obregon Sargent | Performance Data Scientist | United Kingdom |
Baywa r.e Operation Services Ltd | Nedelina Nikolov | Operations Analyst Wind | United Kingdom |
BayWa r.e. | Baywa r.e. BayWa r.e. | Energy Yield Assesment | France |
BayWa r.e. France | Alexandre Marchais | Head of Wind Operation Management | France |
Belgian Offshore Platform | Hugo Canière | Technical advisor | Belgium |
Bern University of Applied Sciences | Angela Meyer | Prof. | Switzerland |
Bioseco S.A. | Damian Dziak | Key Account Manager | Poland |
Bioseco S.A. | Magdalena Wybraniec | Ecology advisor | Poland |
Bitbloom | Philip Bradstock | Director | United Kingdom |
Blue Power Partners | Oscar Briz López | Wind Assessment and Siting Specialist | Denmark |
BlueFloat Energy | Charbel Nasr | Offshore wind Analyst | France |
Boralex | Ernani SCHNORENBERGER | Design and Yield Assessment Manager | France |
BrightWind Limited | Andrew Good | Director of Advisory | Ireland |
BrightWind Limited | Steve Cordle | Senior Wind Analyst | Ireland |
BrightWind Limited | Bianca Morandi | Senior Analyst | Ireland |
C.R.E.S. | Dimitri Foussekis | Research Engineer | Greece |
Capgemini Engineering | Usama Aziz | Consultant Engineer | France |
Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis | Breno Carvalho | Performance Engineer | Brazil |
Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis S.A | Henrique Diogenes | O&M Performance Engineer | Brazil |
CERFACS | Jérôme Dabas | Phd student | France |
CEZ Group | David Hanslian | Technical Specialist | Czech Republic |
CGN Europe Energy | Nicolaz Guidon | Wind resource and Operation Engineer | France |
CGNEE | Luke Cunningham | Engineer | Ireland |
Climate Scale | Ana Lopez | Science Lead | Spain |
Climate Scale | Martin Tazon | Climate Analyst | Spain |
CLIMATE SCALE | isabel maria caballero leiva | International Business Development | Spain |
Colbun | Sergio Correa | Head of Wind Energy Assessments | Chile |
Colbun S.A | Sebastian Villanueva | wind energy analyst | Chile |
Copenhagen Offshore Partners | Andrew Henderson | Chief Windfarm Engineer | United Kingdom |
Copenhagen Offshore Partners | Wonjung Chung | Wind and Layout Engineer | Denmark |
Copenhagen Offshore Partners | Mathieu Pichault | Senior Technical Development Manager | Australia |
Cubico Sustainable Investments | Basile Dutronc | Energy Analysis and Performance Manager | United Kingdom |
Cubico Sustainable Investments | Roberta Takeuchi | Performance Analyst | United Kingdom |
Cubico Sustainable Investments | Dan Mould | Wind Energy Analyst | United Kingdom |
Curtiss-Wright | Paul van der Vorm | Area Sales Manager | Netherlands |
CWP Global | Andreas von Bobart | Head of Asset management | Germany |
CWP Global | ALEJANDRO BARBERA | Senior Wind Resource Analyst. Project Engineer. | Spain |
DNV | Peter Constantin Brun | Global Offshore Wind Lead | Denmark |
DNV | Miguel Fernandes | Scientific programmer | Portugal |
DNV | Elodie Martin | Commercial Lead Wind Projects | United Kingdom |
DNV | Maria Alonso Joya | Wind resource assessment analyst | France |
DNV | Sergio Jimenez | Wind Analyst | Spain |
DNV | Karol Mitraszewski | Scientific Developer, Renewables and Ocean Structures, Digital Solutions | Poland |
DNV | Daran Rife | Principal Scientist | United States |
DNV | Otto Braun | Load Engineer and Sales Manager | Germany |
DNV France | Giacomo Rossitto | Team Lead Southern Europe - Project Development & Analytics | France |
DNV Italy srl | Livia Finotelli Canetto | Junior Wind Engineer | Italy |
DNV Services UK Limited | Ioannis Papadopoulos | Business Lead, Wind UK&I | United Kingdom |
DTU Wind | Andrea Hahmann | Senior Scientists | Denmark |
EBRD | Edyta Noworyta | Principal Engineer | United Kingdom |
EDF | Nassif Berrabah | Lead Research Engineer | United Kingdom |
EDF Renewables | Mustafa Akcakaya | Senior Wind Engineer | United Kingdom |
EDF Renewables | Francis Ferro | Senior Wind Energy Analyst | United States |
EDF Renewables | Raphaëlle Baubeau | Blade and Loads Engineer | France |
EDF Renewables | Antonio Arroyo Ospino | Offshore Wind Resource Assessment Engineer | France |
EDF Renewables North America | Emma Sully | Wind Energy Analyst | United States |
EDF Renouvelables | Marianne Dupont | Senior Wind & Site Engineer | France |
EDF renouvelables | Serena Negrente | Deputy head of wind study department | France |
EDPR | PEDRO CARRION ABENGOZAR | Performance Engineer | Spain |
EMD International A/S | Henrik S. Pedersen | Wind Energy Consultant | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Wiebke Langreder | Head of Consulting | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Lasse Svenningsen | Head of R&D | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Per Møller Nielsen | Product Owner | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Laurent Chamerois | Agent EMD France | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Tobias Ahsbahs | R&D Consultant | Denmark |
EMD International A/S | Moritz Hildemann | R&D Consultant | Denmark |
Emergya Wind Technologies B.V. | Henk-Jan Kooijman | Senior Engineer | Netherlands |
Emergya Wind Technologies B.V. | Rocco Haye | Sales Engineer | Netherlands |
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG | Niklas Hackstein | Wind Resource Analyst | Germany |
ENEL Green Power | Gaspar Iniesta Mora | Head of Wind Main Equipment | Spain |
Enel Green Power S.p.A. | Giorgio Crasto | Wind Centre of Excellence | Italy |
enercast GmbH | Jens Schreiber | Senior Data Scientist | Germany |
Enercon GmbH | Antoine Rochet | Wind & Site Engineer | France |
Energie Baden-Württemberg AG | Svenja Beuchel | Wind resource analyst | Germany |
Enertrag SE | Luciano Hauschild | Energy Analyst | Germany |
ENERTRAG SE Ets France | Guillaume DUCOM | Wind Engineer | France |
ENGIE - CNR | Stanislas Siblot | Engineer | France |
ENGIE - CNR | Morgane CHASSAIGNE | Engineer | France |
ENGIE Green | Stéphanie PHAM | Team Leader Energy Yield Assessment | France |
Environmental Resources Management Ltd | Roy Spence | Technical Director | United Kingdom |
EOLFI - SHELL | Laura Duran | Energy Yield Engineer | France |
Eolfi / Shell | maxime charroppin | wind analyst | France |
EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions | Sandra Coll-Vinent Wappenhans | Data Scientist | Spain |
Eoltech | Marion Jude | Technical Lead | France |
Eoltech | Manuel Demazeux | Senior wind engineer | France |
EPRI | Raja Pulikollu | Technical Executive | United States |
EPRI Europe DAC | Clément Jacquet | Senior Researcher - Wind Farm Optimization | Ireland |
EPSILINE | Christophe Lepaysan | CEO | France |
Equinor ASA | Nils Gaukroger | Wind Resource Engineer | Norway |
ERM | Breanne Gellatly | Partner & Renewables Advisory Global Lead, Strategy & Markets | Italy |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Ioannis Stylianou | Power & Energy Engineer | United Kingdom |
Everoze SAS | Maud Vachon | Partner | France |
Evident | Hafees Fraisada | Strategic Marketing Manager -EMEA | Germany |
ewz | Eric Breckwoldt | Senior Asset Manager Wind | Switzerland |
Fibersail | Celeste Pereira | COO | Portugal |
FiberSail | João Pacheco | Simulation and data analysis engineer | Portugal |
Fichtner Consulting Engineers Ltd | John Slater | Senior Consultant | United Kingdom |
Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG | Günter Vahlkampf | Project Manager | Germany |
First Airborne | Boaz Peled | CEO | Israel |
FORESTALIA RENOVABLES S.L. | Roberto Flores | Wind Resource Engineer | Spain |
FORESTALIA RENOVABLES S.L. | Abel Tortosa Andreu | Wind Resource Engineer | Spain |
FormFactor Gmbh | Guhan velupillai Gowthaman Malarvizhi | Software Development Engineer | Germany |
Fortum Generation AB | August Borg | Wind resource analyst | Sweden |
Fortum Sverige AB | Johannes Lindvall | Performance analyst | Sweden |
Fortum Sweden | Utku Turkyilmaz | Senior Wind Resource Analyst | Sweden |
ForWind & University of Oldenburg | Jan Friedrich | Researcher | Germany |
ForWind - University of Oldenburg | Janna Seifert | Research Assistant | Germany |
Fractal d.o.o. | Andrija Šarac | Project Manager | Croatia |
Fractal d.o.o. | Andrija Buljac | Wind expert | Croatia |
Fraunhofer IEE | Doron Callies | Senior Scientist | Germany |
Fraunhofer IWES | Lukas Vollmer | Research Associate | Germany |
Fraunhofer IWES | Marcus Wiens | Research Associate | Germany |
Fraunhofer IWES | Johannes Fricke | Research Associate | Germany |
Fraunhofer IWES | Martin Jonietz Alvarez | Associate Scientist | Germany |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | Brian Gribben | Research & Innovation Manager | United Kingdom |
FUNDACIÓN CENER | Beatriz Mendez | Head Engineer | Spain |
GE Vernova - Offshore Wind | Julien CALVIGNAC | Product Manager - Predictive Maintenance | France |
GE Wind France | Rozenn Wagner | Associate Principal Engineer | France |
GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH | Dominik Adler | Head of department Wind & Site | Germany |
GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH | Linda Schrempf | Head of Team Wind field Modeling | Germany |
GeoSphere Austria | Ingo Meirold-Mautner | Renewable Energy Engineer | Austria |
Green Eagle Solutions | Guillaume Mazade | Head of Customer Success | Spain |
Greensolver | Agnes Fontaine | Head of Wind Advisory | France |
HOLCIM INNOVATION CENTER | Duc Tung DAO | Project Manager | France |
Holcim Innovation Center | Imane GUETNI | R&D Engineer | France |
Holcim Innovation Center | Quentin Favre-Victoire | R&D engineer | France |
Hvinge AB | Thomas Kullander | Inventor | Sweden |
i4SEE TECH GmbH | Benjamin Airey | DIGITAL STRATEGY CONSULTANT | Austria |
i4SEE TECH GmbH | Julien Tissot | Head of R&D | Austria |
Iberdrola | Alejandro Abascal | Global Technical Support Head, Energy Assessment | Spain |
Iberdrola | Maria Torrijos | Wind Resource Analyst | Spain |
Iberdrola | Elena Gonzalez | Lead Engineer | United Kingdom |
Iberdrola Renovables | Alicia Barrio Algarabel | Data scientist | Spain |
Iberdrola Renovables | Gloria Sastre Izquierdo | Analist | Spain |
IDCORE & EDF R&D UK | Demitri Moros | Research Engineer/Doctorate Student | United Kingdom |
IFPEN | Guillaume Huwart | Research engineer | France |
IFPEN | Nicolas Bonfils | Research engineer | France |
IFPEN | David Collet | Research Engineer | France |
IFPEN | Eleonore Roguet | Research engineer | France |
Infinity Power Development | Ashish Ranjan | CTO Wind | United Arab Emirates |
Infinity Power Development | Vishwanath Hange | Head of Wind Resource Assessment and Turbine Technology | United Arab Emirates |
Inmox GmbH | Daniel Kagerbauer | CTO | Austria |
Inmox GmbH | David Bader | Software Development Lead | Austria |
Innergex France | Olivier Coupiac | Wind & Solar analyst | France |
Jakob Mann | Jakob Mann | Prof. | Denmark |
JP ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENT | Salomé FOSCHIA | Ingénieure | France |
K2 Management | Thomas Grey | Principal Specialist, Analysis Services | United Kingdom |
Kjeller Vindteknikk | Simo Rissanen | Senior adviser | Finland |
Laborelec | Claude Abiven | Wind Expert | Belgium |
Lancaster University | Ayodeji Faro | Postgraduate Researcher | United Kingdom |
Luminus | Maxime Kelder | Wind Program Manager | Belgium |
Luminus EDF | Philippe Habay | Senior Wind Expert | Belgium |
Luminus EDF | Anabel Marechal | Wind Expert | Belgium |
Masen | Asmae Azzioui | Renewable Resource Assessment Specialist | Morocco |
Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry | Jonathan Minz | PhD Student | Germany |
MESPAC & MOREnergy Lab, Politecnico di Torino, Italy | Giuseppe Giorgi | Research Fellow | Italy |
METEK GmbH / METEK Nordic | Poul Hummelshøj | Manager | Denmark |
METEODYN | Minh-Thang DO | Research Engineer | France |
METEODYN | Antoine ROZEL | Research Engineer | France |
Meteodyn China | Zixiao Jiang | Technical director | China |
Mines Paris - PSL | Georges Kariniotakis | Prof., Head of RES & SmartGrids Group (ERSEI) | France |
MINES Paris PSL | Luca Santosuosso | PhD Candidate | France |
Mistras Group Inc. | Valery Godinez-Azcuaga | VP Engineering & Product Development | United States |
Mott MacDonald | Elie Gournay | EYA Lead | United Kingdom |
Mott Macdonald | Silvia Garcia | Senior Wind Analyst | Spain |
Nareva Holding | Zakaria BRIHI | O&M contract manager | Morocco |
Nareva Holding | RIYAD CHERGUI MALIH | Digital Operations Manager | Morocco |
Natural Power | Marion Le Doeuff | Advisory & Analytics Lead | France |
Natural Power | Pierre-Antoine Delaigle | Energy Analyst | France |
NATURGY | AROA GUTIÉRREZ ALONSO | Wind Resource Assessment Engineer | Spain |
NEOEN | Louis GORDEN | Asset Performance Manager | France |
NEOEN | Alexandre BERRE | Technical Expert | France |
NEOEN | José Eugenio HERNANDEZ | Technical Expert | France |
Northland Power UK Limited. | Adrian Carnegie | Wind and Siting Manager, Development | United Kingdom |
NRG Systems | Alexandra Arntsen | Lead Data Scientist | United States |
NRG Systems | Jorge Moreno Biscarri | EMEA Product Manager | Spain |
Ocean Winds | Miguel Cordoba | Head of Metocean and Energy Assessment | Spain |
Ocean Winds | Juan Teruel | Metocean and Energy Assessment | Spain |
ONYX Insight | Susie Naybour | Team Leader - Machine Learning | United Kingdom |
Orsted | Miriam Marchante | Chief specialist | Denmark |
Orsted Wind Power A/S | Ole Dahl Kristensen | Senior Lead Measurements Engineer | Denmark |
OTARY RS NV | Jeroen Degeyter | Asset Engineer | Belgium |
OWC | Okan Sargin | Head of Wind and Site | United Kingdom |
OX2 | Elina Heinilä | Wind and Turbine Performance Engineer | Sweden |
PAVANA GmbH | Lars Levermann | Director | Germany |
PAVANA GmbH | Martin Richter-Rose | Head of department EYA and R&D | Germany |
Perceptual Robotics | Kevin Driscoll-Lind | CTO | United Kingdom |
PGE Baltica | Maciej Szypulski | Wind turbine placement specialist | Poland |
PGE Baltica | Bożena Sobczak | Junior Wind Turbine Placement Specialist | Poland |
PGE Baltica Sp. z o.o. | Wojciech Bućko | Snr. Lead - Wind Farm Engineering | Poland |
PNE AG | Lukas Krohn | Project Engineer | Germany |
Pondera Consult B.V. | Anja Schönnebeck | Wind Resource Analyst | Netherlands |
Power Factors | Anthony Crockford | Technical Director | Canada |
ProPlanEn GmbH | Wolfgang Schlez | Director | Germany |
Q ENERGY France | Victor DONNET | Knowledge Manager Etudes Techniques | France |
R. S. Engineering | Reuven Shenkar | Wind Energy Consultant | Israel |
Ramboll Deutschland GmbH | Anselm Grötzner | senior specialist wind assessment | Germany |
ReNew | Suresh Pillai | Executive Vice-President - Wind | India |
RenGen Consulting | Davide Medici | Consultant | Italy |
Reoptimize Systems | Juan Pablo Echenique | Chief Executive Officer | United Kingdom |
REPSOL RENOVABLES | JAVIER GOMEZ MARIN | Technical Manager at Wind Assessment Department | Spain |
RES | Karen Anne Hutton | Technical Director | United Kingdom |
RES | Aleix Torner | Technical Project Manager | United Kingdom |
RES | Pascal Beneditti | Methods and Optimisation engineer | France |
RES Service | Alexandre Brasme | Analyse and Optimisation manager | France |
RINA | Chaime Malo Barranco | Power Iberia Consultant | Italy |
Rio Energy | Heitor Sardinha | Wind & Solar Resource Manager | Brazil |
RWE | Sandra Mota | Wind Resource analyst | Spain |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Sam Williams | Senior Scientist | Germany |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Miguel Aguirre | Senior wind analyst | Germany |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Zachary Parker | Senior Technical Analyst | Germany |
RWE Renewables Europe & Australia | Michael Kane | Engineering Coordinator Australia | Australia |
RWE Renewables France | Azzedine Kimri | Onshore wind yield analyst | France |
RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U | Raquel Barriuso | Senior Wind Resource Analyst | Spain |
RWE Renewables Italia Srl | Matteo Mana | Sr. Technical Analyst | Italy |
RWE Renewables Sweden AB | Nikolaos Simisiroglou | Senior Wind Technical Specialist | Sweden |
RWE Renouvelables France | Clotilde Hom | Wind studies coordinator France | France |
RWE Renouvelables France | Julia CLEMENT | Site Suitability Engineer | France |
SCATEC | Greg Landwehr | Engineer | South Africa |
Sereema | Bruno Pinto | COO | France |
Sereema | Thibault Foucart | Wind Data Scientist | France |
Shell | François Ducousset | Yield Analyst Offshore Wind | France |
Shell Renewables and Energy Solutions | Demetrios Zigras | Yield Engineer Offshore Wind | United Kingdom |
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy | Giridhar Ramanujam | Senior Product Manager - Asset Optimization | Denmark |
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy | Irma Riadigos | Meteorologist | Spain |
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy | John Brown | Solutions Architect | United Kingdom |
Siemens Gamesa Renewables | Carolina Garcia Barquero | Power Curve Portfolio Manager | Spain |
SIKA | Jean Pierre Juge | Key Account Marine SIKA | France |
Solargis | Bertrand Ferrier | Regional Business Consultant | France |
SOLUTE | Alberto Tejón | Wind & Solar Project Manager | Spain |
Solute | Alberto Navarro Domingo | Project Engineer | Spain |
SOWITEC development | Beatrix Blank | Head of Wind & Site Assessment | Germany |
SOWITEC Development GmbH | Joel Thomas | Wind and Solar Resource Analyst | Germany |
SR Energy AB | Sarah Nilsson | Operations and Performance Analyst | Sweden |
SupAirVision | Julie Delmas | Product Manager | France |
Svend Ole Hansen ApS | Jens Moeller-Madsen | Director of Sales | Denmark |
SVEVIND Energy GmbH | Marko Rothe | Project Developer | Germany |
Syneria | Malvina JULLIEN | Wind & Site Manager | France |
TGS | Elliott Shilling | Commercial Manager | United Kingdom |
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate | Magnus Wold | Engineer | Norway |
Tipspeed | Samuel Davoust | Tech Lead and Founder | France |
TNO | Feike Savenije | Researcher | Netherlands |
ToolKitX GmbH | Tobias Drews | Technical Sales Consultant | Germany |
Total Eren | Manon Oddos | Wind engineer | France |
TotalEnergies | Priyank Maheshwari | Researcher | France |
TotalEnergies | Ajinkya Chandrayan | Lead Data Scientist R&D | France |
TotalEnergies | JULIEN HAIZE | Senior Wind & Site Engineer | France |
TotalEnergies OneTech | Romain SAINT-LEGER | Yield Engineer | France |
Trailstonegroup SASU | Cornelia Metzig | Quantitative Researcher | France |
Turbit Systems GmbH | Arnaud Guillemin | Senior Account Executive | Germany |
Turbit Systems GmbH | Johannes Christian Fontius | Co-Founder & CEO | Germany |
TÜV NORD EnSys GmbH & Co. KG | Torsten Lubenow | Technical Expert | Germany |
UL Solutions | José Vidal | Product Manager | Spain |
UL Solutions | Cyrille Huant | Project Manager | France |
University of Cantabria | Fernando Mendez | Professor of Coastal Engineering | Spain |
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore | Zia ul Rehman Tahir | Professor, Associate | Pakistan |
University of Hull | Agota Mockute | Lecturer in Renewable Energy | United Kingdom |
University of Nottingham | Wen Wu | PhD Researcher | United Kingdom |
Uppsala University Campus Gotland | Geoffrey DeSena | University Adjunct | Sweden |
Vaisala | Mathias REGNIER | Sales | United States |
Vaisala | Matthieu Boquet | Head of Wind OPs BU | France |
Vaisala | Aurélie JEANNIN | Market Devlopment manager - Wind Lidar and Weather for wind farm | France |
Vaisala | Zhi Liang | Application Manager | China |
Vaisala, Inc. | Bret Alexander | Renewable Energy Sales Manager, North America | United States |
VALOREM | Romain BARBOT | Head of Wind Department | France |
Vattenfall Europe Windkraft Gmbh | Natalia Grajda | Wind Resource Analyst | Germany |
Vattenfall GmbH | Sivateja Maturu | Wind Resource & Production Specialist | Germany |
Ventient Energy | Neil Botterill | Lead Loads Engineer | United Kingdom |
VESTAS | Hugues Fournier | Siting Solution Lead | France |
Vestas Wind Systems A/S | Finn-Hendrik Andersen | Regional Functional Lead Siting Solutions NCE | Denmark |
Vind AI | Jan-Tore Horn | CTO | Norway |
Voltalia | Alexandre Marx | Wind Resource Analyst | France |
Voltalia | Vincent Di Ciacco | COE Regional Manager | France |
Vortex Energy Polska sp. z o.o. | Michał Markowicz | Dyrektor działu zarządzania technicznego | Poland |
Vortex Energy Polska sp. z o.o. | Paweł Kapitaniec | Technical Project Manager | Poland |
Vortex Energy Polska sp. z o.o. | Tomasz Goraj | Projektant konstrukcji | Poland |
VORTEX FACTORIA DE CALCULS | Oriol Lacave | Wind Meteorologist | Spain |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Mark Runacres | Professor | Belgium |
WElink Energy | Breandan MacAmhlaoibh | CTO - WElink Energy | Ireland |
Whiffle | Remco Verzijlbergh | CTO | Netherlands |
Whiffle | Daan Houf | Product Manager | Netherlands |
WindESCo | James Duncan | Senior Application Engineer | United States |
Windesco | Zuri Zugasti | Sr. Technical Leader EMEA | United States |
WindSim AS | Arne Gravdahl | CTO & Founder | Norway |
WindSim AS | Juho Iipponen | Meteorologist | Norway |
Windtec Energia | Alberto Quintana Infante | Wind Resource Assessment Engineer | Spain |
Windtec Energía S.L.N.E.P. | Irene Wbanet | Wind resource engineer | Spain |
Wood Group UK Limited | Marie Desrats | Renewable Energy Consultant | United Kingdom |
Wood Thilsted | Jonathan Collins | Lead Engineer | United Kingdom |
Worldsensing | Arnold DENES | Commercial Director | Spain |
WRD GmbH | Loma Al-Azzawi | Project Engineer Load Optimization | Germany |
Youwind Renewables | Claudia Olivares Cabello | Development Engineer | Spain |
Ørsted | Nicolai Gayle Nygaard | Senior Lead Specialist | Denmark |
Ørsted | Morten Eriksen | Head of Wind Farm Early Phase Design | Denmark |
Ørsted | Rui Gil | Principal Specialist | Denmark |
Ørsted | John Lyons | Wind Energy Analyst | Denmark |
Ørsted Wind Power | Peter Krastins | Head of Energy Yield Assessment | Denmark |
Ørsted Wind Power | Anders Marcussen | Director | Denmark |
Ørsted Wind Power A/S | Ari Bronstein | Senior Wind Energy Analyst | Denmark |
Ørsted Wind Power A/S | Rafael Amaral Tavares | Lead Measurement Engineer | Denmark |
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