Sessions | WindEurope Technology Workshop 2023

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Making the most out of your data

Analysis of operating wind farms

When: Friday, 2 June 2023, 14:15 - 15:30
Where: Auditorium Lumière

Session description

The aim of this session is to present advances on how data science methods, artificial intelligence and data sharing can contribute to optimise performances of wind assets and namely condition monitoring, fatigue loads estimation, life time and reliability of wind turbines.

Session chair

Georges Kariniotakis

Professor, Head of Renewables & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE of Mines Paris - PSL

Introductory presentation: Moving Scada data to the cloud

Fabio Bottoni

Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Fatigue loads virtual sensing from 10 min SCADA data

Fabien Caleyron

Project Manager, IFP Energies nouvelles

Analysis of the impact of different data sources on Remaining Useful Lifetime estimations Specific case study on a wind farm in simple terrain

Serena Negrente

Deputy Head of Study Department, EDF Renouvelables

Advanced mixture models for reliability forecasting of wind turbine systems

Raja Pulikollu

Technical Executive, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Towards Fleet-wide Sharing of Wind Turbine Condition Information through Privacy-preserving Federated Learning

Angela Meyer

Professor, Bern University of Applied Sciences

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WindEurope Technology Workshop 2024