Sessions | WindEurope Technology Workshop 2023

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Lidar and bankable WRA for Onshore Wind Farms

Resource assessment

When: Thursday, 1 June 2023, 15:00 - 15:45
Where: Forum 1

Session description

Lidar offers significant benefits to the industry and it is an accepted method for measuring the wind. Its adoption and use is gathering significant pace now. Join us for this open and interactive discussion on what are next steps required to even further accelerate its adoption.

Session chair

Mike Anderson

Chair, ETIPWIND Advisory Group

Setting the scene: state of the market and developer needs

Elodie Martin

Commercial Lead, UK and Ireland, Renewable Energy Analytics, DNV

Karen Anne Hutton

Technical Director, RES Ltd.


Edyta Noworyta

Principal engineer, EBRD

Daniel Ortiz

Project Manager, Barlovento Recursos Naturales

Matthew Smith

Senior Sales Manager, ZX Lidars


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WindEurope Technology Workshop 2024