Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersAI applications for wind energy
Artificial intelligence, business models and forecastings Resource assessment
When: Thursday, 1 June 2023, 14:05 - 14:50
Where: Auditorium Lumière
Session description
Until not very long ago all modelling within wind energy was based on physical understanding and modelling. This is rapidly changing, we now see models base on data, huge amounts of data, being deployed alongside the physical models in solving problems in wind energy. In this session we will hear from providers of such data-based models and cloud-based data infrastructure describe how they see this new era of data in wind energy. The audience will be heavily involved in the extensive panel debate that will be part of the session.

Panel discussion

Yvonne Brzesowsky Ruys
Global Director Digital Strategy Energy Industry & Sustainability, Microsoft
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