Presenters and Speakers
SpeakersProgramme committeePresenters’ dashboardWho should attend?Carla De Laurentis

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management, University of the West of England
I am a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management at the University of the West of England. I have a background in economics, innovation, urban and regional economic development. Since 2007, I have developed a research interest in the mechanisms that lead to an effective diffusion of renewable energy. I have investigated how planning and network infrastructure might pose challenges to the future deployment of renewable energy. I hold a Vice Chancellor's Early Career Researcher Development Award to explore waste management opportunities and challenges from end of life of on‐shore wind infrastructure in the UK.I will be starting a new research part of the UK Regulatory Science &Innovation networks (Implementation Phase) important insights into how waste management challenges are supported and/or hindered by regulatory complexities and how such complexities are contributing to variability in the implementation across the devolved administrations of the UK. I have recently completed a RGS-IBG funded project looking to understand influencing factors on decision-making in managing the end-of life of wind infrastructure in Italy.
In UWE, I am a module leader for undergraduate and postgraduate modules on renewable energy. I have published widely in several international academic journals, and completed a PhD on understanding the uneven processes of renewable energy deployment in Italy and the UK. I supervise a PhD student’s research on ‘Enhancing end-of-life management for onshore wind turbines in the United Kingdom by adopting circular-economy concepts’. I am a member of the IEA Wind Task 45 ‘Phase II: Enabling the recycling of wind turbine blades’ .
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