Sound Propagation International Comparison Exercise (SPICE) - WindEurope Workshops
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Sound Propagation International Comparison Exercise (SPICE)


The Sound Propagation International Comparison Exercise (SPICE) aims at a better understanding and characterization of the various methodologies used for predicting wind turbine noise propagation. It takes the form of a blind test comparison where wind turbine noise propagation configurations are defined. The participants are invited to perform calculations using this set of data as input for their respective noise propagation prediction tools. This exercise is open to all institutions and industry alike.

The methodologies used for wind farm planning and immission noise prediction include different levels of fidelity (from computationally intensive numerical codes such as Parabolic Equations to simple algebraic formulae) which potentially may result in very different results. Even if using similar methods or identical software, two users may obtain different results. One of the goal of the SPICE is to identify and quantify these discrepancies and possibly highlight pros and cons of various methodologies, including specific tendencies. The first edition of this exercise is based on a real terrain configuration: the DTU-Risø campus site, Denmark, depicted in the image below.

DTU-Risø campus site, Denmark

The task of the participants consisted in using their modelisation tools to predict the immission noise at several given locations. In addition, the participants should provide a description of their methodology. The data from all participants was collected, compiled and made anonymous by the WindEurope secretariat before being analysed at DTU Wind Energy. The results of this analysis were presented at the 3rd edition of the Wind Turbine Sound technology workshop organized by WindEurope in Gdansk, Poland, on November 17−18th 2016.

The comparison of the participants’ results at the workshop was performed anonymously.

A full description and instructions are included in the datapack. To access the data pack, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


As requested by some participants, the deadline for submission of the results was extended until Thursday 27 October.

27 October 2016:  Deadline for sending test case results – EXTENDED
17-18 November Presentation of results at the Wind Turbine Sound technology workshop

How to take part

Results should be provided using the excel spreadsheet template included in the data pack that is downloadable from the WindEurope server upon registration. The completed output should be emailed to [email protected].

Upon receipt of their submission, each participant will be sent a reference code that will be used to refer to their submission in case of queries and in the presentation of the results of the comparison exercise at the WindEurope Wind Turbine Sound 2016 workshop. WindEurope will insure that the identity of each participant is kept anonymous.

To access the data pack, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

For any questions regarding the exercise or your submission please contact:
Alice Rosmi at [email protected].

Data pack request form

After filling out this form, this page will re-load and your download will start shortly after. This can take a few seconds, so please be patient. You will also receive an automated confirmation email summarizing your submission.

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