Programme outline - WindEurope Workshops
Watch Giles & Pierre Episode 15

Programme outline

Programme outline

Thursday 27 June 2019
08:00-09:00 Registration and welcome refreshments in the exhibition and poster area
09:00-11:00 Session 1 – Launch of the New European Wind Atlas
11:00-11:30 Networking break in the exhibition and poster area
11:30-13:30 Session 2 – Using data to reduce uncertainty
13:30-14:30 Lunch in the exhibition and poster area
14:30-16:30 Session 3 – Modelling to reduce uncertainty
19:00-22:00 Workshop reception for all participants (Halles St-Gery)
Friday 28 June 2019
08:00-09:00 Welcome refreshments
09:00-11:00 Session 4 –  Using LiDARs to reduce uncertainty 
11:00-11:45 Networking break in the exhibition and poster area
11:45-13:45 Session 5 – Wakes and forests 
13:45-14:45 Light lunch 

SESSION 1: Launch of the New European Wind Atlas

Session Chair: Mike Anderson, Independent Expert


Since 2015, 30 partners from 8 countries have been collaborating Europe-wide on the New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) project. Funded via ERANET+, we have been developing and validating new methodologies for the assessment of wind conditions. These methodologies span advanced developments in both measurement and modelling science. We will report on several dedicated large-scale wind measurement campaigns, focusing on situations important for wind power utilisation. We will also discuss new dynamical downscaling methodologies, employing ensembles, and improvements to modelling high temporal and spatial resolution.

  • Attendees will gain an understanding of the measurement science advances made during the project
  • Attendees will learn about new modelling science and validation, including using ensemble techniques
  • Attendees will learn about the design and user interface for the New European Wind Atlas

Jakob Mann

Professor, DTU Wind Energy

Scene setting presentation

Andrea Hahmann

Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy

Characteristics of the spread of wind speed distributions in the WRF NEWA ensemble for wind energy uncertainty quantification

J. Fidel González Rouco

Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid – IGEO, CSIC

Europe blown by the (observed and simulated) wind

Grégoire Leroy

Senior R&D Meteorologist, 3E

Impact of Aggregated Roughness on Mesoscale Wind Climate

Ides Bauwens

Managing Director, Nazka Mapps

The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) web platform

SESSION 2: Using data to reduce uncertainty

Session Chair: Lars Landberg, Director, Group Leader, Renewables, Strategic Research and Innovation, DNV GL


One of the biggest challenges in wind resource estimation is uncertainty: we need to understand its sources and its layers. This session will address both these aspects. What is key is that our understanding needs to be based on data. The session will start out by looking at how the accuracy of preconstruction analysis can be improved. It will then zoom in on three specific aspects: how fidelity in orography models affects results; how ERA5 data can be used for downscaling; and what the effect of atmospheric icing is. In each case, data will be used to inform the estimation and analysis of uncertainty. Finally, we will look at how LIDARs can be used in reducing uncertainty in wind resource estimation.

  • What is a preconstruction analysis, and how can it be improved?
  • What is the role of orographic models in flow modelling, and how can different input sources affect the accuracy?
  • What is reanalysis data and how can the ERA5 dataset be used in downscaling?
  • What is icing, what are its effects and how can we validate models and understand the uncertainties?
  • What are scanning LIDARs, and how can they be used to improve wind resource estimation?

Brian Broe

Adviser, Kjeller Vindteknikk

Atmospheric icing – validation and uncertainty

Francesco Durante

Head of Research, K2 Management

Preconstruction analysis: The next accuracy leap

Morten Lybech Thøgersen

Department Manager – Wind R&D, EMD International A/S

High Fidelity Elevation Models – What is the Value in Microscale Modelling?

Alkistis Papetta

Research Associate, IWES Fraunhofer

Measurement Strategies using a single Scanning Lidar for reducing Wind Resource Assessment uncertainty onshore

Remi Gandoin

Senior Specialist, C2 Wind

Model evaluation of downscaled ERA5 time series for British and Dutch offshore sites

SESSION 3: Modelling to reduce uncertainty

Session Chair: Mireia Casinos, Director of Energy Services, Iberia and LatinAmerica, RenewablesAWS Truepower, A UL company


Reducing uncertainty should be a priority in wind flow modelling, due the fact is an especially important contributor to the total uncertainty for wind resource and energy production estimates, especially for large projects involving numerous wind turbines.

This session presents different approaches for understanding wind flow modelling uncertainty and illustrates some applications in the wind industry.

  • Attendees will enhance their knowledge on wind power.
  • Attendees will get a solid understanding of the modelling uncertainty as an important factor to consider in designing both monitoring campaigns and wind projects
  • Attendees will get insights from experienced professionals

Ioannis Papadopoulos

Business Lead, Project Development, DNV GL

Comparison of pre- and post-construction energy estimates in northern europe and other select markets, for onshore and offshore wind farms

Pablo Duran

Project Engineer, WindSim A.S.

Reducing wind flow modelling uncertainty by using a meso-microscale coupling model for wind resource assessment

Gil Lizcano

R&D Director, Vortex

Vulnerability of wind resource to a changing climate: the importance of looking at the right scale

Bernard Bulder

Junior Scientist Innovator, ECN part of TNO

Validation of the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas

SESSION 4: Using LiDars to reduce uncertainty

Session Chair: Jake Badger, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy


LIDARs have now become mainstream and are regularly being used as the sole instrument for the measurement and quantification of wind speed and turbulence intensity. This is true for both on- and offshore wind, where LIDARs are mounted on floating structures. This session looks at a range of topics, ranging from calibration to reducing uncertainties.

  • Attendees will gain understanding of how turbulence can be measured using a vertical profiling LIDAR
  • Attendees will be able appreciate the differences in the turbulence intensity measured by remote sensing devices compared to anemometers
  • Attendees will be able to understand how LIDARs can be calibrated without using a cup anemometer as a reference
  • Attendees will gain an appreciation of the uncertainties of floating LIDARs – how they may be reduced

Nikolai Hille

Senior Engineer Onshore Loads, DNV GL

Correction methods for LiDAR TI and their standardisation

Scott Wylie

Wind Engineering & Verifications Manager, ZX Lidars

Turbulence Intensity measurements from a ground-based vertically-profiling lidar

Alexandra St. Pé

Senior Wind Analyst, E.On

CFARS: Benchmarking TI Bias Between Cup Anemometers from Varying Manufacturers and Remote Sensing Devices

Julia Gottschall

Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer IWES

Uncertainties of Floating Lidar measurements – how big are they and how can they be reduced?

Michael Courtney

Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy

Cup-free lidar calibrations

SESSION 5: Wakes and forests

Session Chair: Pep Moreno, CEO, Vortex


Wakes in a standard wind farm can create losses that, on average, can range between 10 to 20%. No one taking wind development seriously can ignore such a critical element in wind farm efficiency. Until now, however, this issue has neither been fully understood nor modelled by the industry.

In this session, we’ll be deep-diving on this topic with researchers and professionals at the cutting edge of this issue. We will also examine a case study from a forest environment.

  • Attendees will learn about the latest results obtained by the reference research institute
  • Attendees will access direct research accounts from two veteran engineers
  • Attendees will learn from the experience of one of the largest manufacturers operating today

Graham Hawkes

Technical Manager – Performance Analysis, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd

Offshore Wind Accelerator; Global Blockage Effects in Offshore Wind Farms: Knowns, Unknowns and Opportunities.

Till Beckford

Technical Lead, DNV GL

Building confidence in offshore turbine interaction losses through wake validation and increased blockage losses knowledge

Renzo Ruisi

Researcher, DNV GL

Application of wake steering models for the prediction of energy production increase at an onshore wind farm

Ebba Dellwik

Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy

Observed and modeled near-wake flow behind a solitary tree

WindEurope Annual Event 2023