SpeakersPostersProgramme committeePresenters' dashboardClimate change risk reporting in the wind energy sector: What, Why and How
When: Thursday, 23 June 2022, 14:00 - 15:30
Where: River 6 / sign up required (40 max.)
Session description
Registrations are closed for this session.
Accounting for climate risks in strategic planning and operations and management is new for a range of sectors. From investors to asset managers and developers, a new demand for information to screen climate risks at portfolio and project levels is emerging. Initiatives such as the EU Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance and the TCFD (Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures) recommendations are becoming regulatory requirements in several jurisdictions around the world. At the same time, multilateral credit organizations are requesting climate risk analysis and adaptation plans in due diligence processes.
Learning objectives
To learn more about this topic, join the breakout group:
- Explore the new demand for data and practices to respond to the climate change physical risks analysis requirement for the wind industry.
- Discuss the decision making frameworks:
- for climate change risk assessments
- for risk screening at the asset level (a specific single wind farm as part of the DD process)
- for risk screening at the portfolio level (multiple wind farms across different geographies)
- Work towards developing guidelines and best practices, joining efforts with wind analysts, and climate services and transitional risks and sustainability experts.

Isabel Caballero
International Business Development Specialist, Climate Scale
Experts Panel

Ana Lopez
Climate Senior Expert, Climate Scale

Circe Triviño
Project Development Head of Section Iberia, DNV

Daniel Cabezón Martinez
Meteorological models and special tasks manager, EDPR

Emma Knight-Strong
Founder, Green Arch Consulting