Presenters and Speakers
SpeakersPostersProgramme committeePresenters' dashboardGil Lizcano

Director, Climate Scale
Co-Founder of Climate Scale and partner of Vortex since 2008, Gil has proven experience in the field of climate modelling for applications in industry. For the past 12 years he has led Vortex's innovation strategy. His role at Vortex has allowed him to gain verifiable experience in the development of technological solutions using cloud computing for industry applications, as well as in their commercialization. He was the driving force behind the initial Climate Scale idea in 2019 and since then has been fully dedicated to the implementation and management of the project.Presentations
- Modelling
A novel tool for climate change risk analysis: using the 2021 UK summer low wind anomalies to build 'storylines' of future wind regimes in the midlatitudes