3E | Nicolas Meerts | Technical Lead Wind | Belgium |
AB SKF | Marcus Jennerholm | Global Business Development Mngr | Sweden |
Advantis A/S | Peter Ejs Eltzholtz | Project Manager | Denmark |
AEE | Heikki Willstedt | Energy Policies & Climate Change Director | Spain |
AIP Management | Allison Metzak | Senior Asset Manager | Denmark |
APREN | Ana Paula Martins | Head of Membership and Controlling | Portugal |
APREN | Mariana Cruz de Carvalho | Senior Policy Advisor | Portugal |
ARDIAN - RE2E | Kurt Stürken | Operating Partner | Germany |
Asea Brown Boveri | Sascha Hillenbrand | Global Segment Manager Renewables (Services) | Spain |
Attero | Martijn Schouten | Head of Business Development | Netherlands |
Ballast Nedam Offshore | Jan de Vries | Project Manager | Netherlands |
Belgian Offshore Platform | Hugo Canière | Technical advisor | Belgium |
Belgian Offshore Platform | Bérénice Crabs | Secretary-General Belgian Offshore Platform | Belgium |
Bergen Spesial Transport AS | Erik A Paulsen | Project Manager | Norway |
Bergen Spesial Transport AS | Carsten Pedersen | Transport Manager | Norway |
Bundesverband Windenergie Offshore e.V. | Natalie Schorr-Erhardt | Managerin Politik & Regulatorik | Germany |
Business in Wind | Wim Robbertsen | Managing Director | Netherlands |
CAREMAG | Eugène Daronnat | Sourcing Manager | France |
Cefic | Ana Martin | Sector group manager | Belgium |
Chair for Wind Power Drives (CWD) | Julian Röder | Chief Engineer | Germany |
China Three Gorges (Spain) S.L. | ANTONIO BAUTISTA SIRVENT | Asset Manager | Spain |
China Three Gorges (Spain) S.L. | DAVID TORRES RODRIGUEZ | Asset Manager | Spain |
Clinton Marine Survey AB | Filip Åkersten | Tender Coordinator | Sweden |
Clinton Marine Survey AB | Pafan Folme | Project Manager | Sweden |
Coli Project Cargo | Carl Aldag | Chartering Manger | Germany |
COLI Schiffahrt & Transport GmbH & Co. KG | Vincent Stapelfeldt | Chartering Broker | Germany |
Continuum | Jesper Levy | Business Development Manager | Denmark |
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners | samantha Schenk | Senior Commercial Development and Stakeholder Manager | Germany |
Cube Green Energy GmbH | Andre Kreimer | Director Construction Management | Gabon |
Cyclic Materials | Sara Ghafouri Varzaneh | Strategic Partnerships | Canada |
Danish Energy Agency | Raphael Caron | Advisor | Denmark |
De Blauwe Cluster | Philippe Martens | Valorisation Manager | Belgium |
DEIF A/S | Jose Manuel Alonso Huerta | Key Account & Business Development | Denmark |
DEIF Wind Power Technology Austria GmbH | Christopher Schober | Business Project Manager - Sales PMO | Austria |
Deutsche Windtechnik | Paul Cairns | Business Development Leader | United Kingdom |
Deutsche Windtechnik AB | Linus Sturesson | Managing Director | Sweden |
Deutsche Windtechnik AB | Robert Karlsson | Sales Manager | Sweden |
Dieseko Group B.V. | Rob Eijkens | Business development & Technical manager offshore | Netherlands |
DNV | Matthew Geraghty | Venture Lead, ReWind | Norway |
DNV | Ada Fernandez Valles | ReWind founder | Spain |
DNV | Shadan Mozafari | Wind Turbine Engineer | Denmark |
DNV | Hans-Martin Erlandsen | Product Manager | Norway |
ECHT | Nina Vielen-Kallio | Head of Circularity | Netherlands |
EDF R&D | Pierre STEPHAN | Research Engineer | France |
EDF R&D | PIERRE BOUSSEAU | EDF R&D Engineer | France |
EDF Renewables | Alban PERIER | Life Cycle Project Director | France |
EDF Renewables | Lilian Guenouni | Life Cycle project manager | France |
EDF Renewables | Alasdair Fulton | Consultant Engineer - Life Extension | United Kingdom |
EHPA | Rachelle Hajjar | Senior Event Officer | Belgium |
Electric Power Research Institute | Mitchell Rencheck | Sr. Research Engineer | United States |
EMR Renewables | Charlotte Stamper | Strategic Partnerships Manager | United Kingdom |
EnBW | Elin Lindvall | Project Manager | Sweden |
EnBW Sverige AB | Ruben Franzen | Head of operations | Sweden |
Eneco Wind | Rens Douma | Wind Turbine Expert | Netherlands |
Enel Green Power | Andrea Vaiani | Engineering - Focal Point Wind Repowering | Italy |
Enel Green Power SpA | Silvia Olivotto | Wind Innovation Project Manager | Italy |
ENERCON GmbH | Johan Terpstra | Head of the Region Western Europe | Netherlands |
ENERCON GmbH | Rinze de Haan | Head of After Sales Western Europe | Netherlands |
Enercon GmbH | Julia Renner | Technical Marketing Manager | Austria |
ENERCON GmbH | Maria Lentinen | Sustainability Advisor | Sweden |
Energistyrelsen | Ida Puibaraud | Advisor | Denmark |
Energistyrelsen | Celia Ardal | Advisor | Denmark |
Engie Laborelec | Monnaie Frederic | Non Metalic Material Expert | Belgium |
ENI Plenitude | Luca Bortolotti | Wind energy engineer | Italy |
Enordic Oy | Thomas Linnard | COO | Sweden |
ERG France | Samy BELTAIEF | Head of Public Affairs | France |
ERG POWER GENERATION SPA | FLAVIO CORBO | Head of Feasibility Engineering | Italy |
ERM | Kim Jensen | Technical Director | Denmark |
ESB | James Fitzpatrick | Senior Engineer | Ireland |
ETAT9 | Jean-Baptiste STREHAIANO | Wind Business Mananger | France |
ETAT9 | Ludovic BONORON | Director | France |
European Commission DG Energy | Paula Rey Garcia | Acting Head of unit Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy | Belgium |
European Energy | David Moya Perrino | Sustainability Manager | Denmark |
European Metal Recycling Ltd, | Ben Lester | Market Development Lead | United Kingdom |
Evonik Operations GmbH Dutch Brand | Ronald van Hoorn | Sr. Business Manager | Netherlands |
ExxonMobil | Robert Luttu | Wind Segment Manager | Sweden |
FairWind | Katarzyna Pawłowska | Head of Sales - North and Central Europe | Denmark |
FCC AMBITO | IVAN BOTAMINO GARCIA | Head of Materials engineering and renewable energies department | Spain |
FPS Health | Nele Desplenter | Policy Advisor Marine Environment | Belgium |
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Sytems IWES | Tobias Holst | Research Associate | Germany |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | George Elderfield | Senior Engineer | United Kingdom |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | Kenneth Scott | Senior Consultant | United Kingdom |
Fu-Gen Energi AB | Fredrik Ståhle | Head of Nordic Operations | Sweden |
Full Circle Wind Services | Ben Allison | Global Operations Manager | United Kingdom |
Galileo Empower | Susanna Gelin | Project Manager | Sweden |
GE Vernova | Kristen Skelton | Sustainability Leader | Denmark |
Gees Recycling srl | Giorgio Betteto | R&D CTO | Italy |
Gemini Windpark | Noor van Wageningen | Data analyst | Netherlands |
Gemini Windpark | Lennard Pol | Junior asset manager | Netherlands |
Gerbasto - Energias Renováveis, Lda. | Carlos Correia | CTO | Portugal |
Gerbasto - Energias Renováveis, Lda. | Rui Delgado | Project Manager | Portugal |
Gerbasto - Energias Renováveis, Lda. | Felismino Teixeira | Director | Portugal |
GjenKraft AS | Arvid Lønne | COB | Norway |
Glasgow Caledonian University | Minghao Zhong | PhD student | United Kingdom |
Green Power Denmark | Anja Pedersen | Senior Advisor | Denmark |
HAIZEA WIND GROUP | Javier Martin Baniandres | COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR | Spain |
Heerema Engineering Solutions B.V. | Ellemijn Rog | Sr Installation Engineer | Netherlands |
Heerema marine contractors | Rienk Krol | Commercial manager Baltic region | Netherlands |
Heidelberg Materials | Mehboob Nawaz | New Business Development Manager | Germany |
Hitachi Energy | Amena Khatun | Senior Technical Consultant | Sweden |
Hitachi Energy | Anton Ter Vehn | Hitachi Power Consulting - Sustainability and technology transformation | Sweden |
HOLCIM INNOVATION CENTER | Duc Tung DAO | Project Manager | France |
Hydro Rein Sweden AB | Hanna Asp | Project Development Manager | Sweden |
Hydro-Québec | Sébastien Poirier | R&D Manager | Canada |
Iberdrola | Eduardo Insunza Oleaga | Procurement renewables on shore - O&M | Spain |
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES | Eric Moya Bueno | Gestor de Grandes Equipos Eolicos | Spain |
Iberdrola Renovables | Esther García-Serrno Capuz | wind engineering project manager | Spain |
IMDC | Ozlem Ceyhan Yilmaz | Senior Engineer | Belgium |
Invenergy Services | Brad Purtell | Vice President | United States |
Investissement Québec | Tim Khametov | Senior Project Director - Cleantech | Canada |
IX Renewables | Tom van der Linde | COO | Netherlands |
IX Renewables | Marvin Clazing | Project Manager | Netherlands |
JP Renewable Europe Company Limited | Monami Kaihara | Administrative Manager | United Kingdom |
JPOWER | Hirofumi Yuya | Director | United Kingdom |
LEITNER Spa | Danilo Petricio | Sales Manager | Italy |
Leuphana University of Lüneburg | Kathrin Kramer | PhD-Student | Germany |
Lithuanian Energy Agency | Roman Bykov | Offshore Wind Department | Lithuania |
Locus Energy AB | Lars Larsson | Partner | Sweden |
MagREEsource | Luc AIXALA | Recycling Director | France |
Metal One Corporation | Fumiki Miura | Supervisor | Japan |
Nadara | Ed Flanders | Climate and Environmental Impact Manager | United Kingdom |
National Composites Centre | Jonathan Fuller | Principal Research Engineer | United Kingdom |
National Composites Centre | Tom Andrews | Technology Project Lead | United Kingdom |
National Technical University of Athens | Athanasios Batos Maragkos | Student | Greece |
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Gaudi van den Boom | Consultant energy transition (wind energy & circularity) | Netherlands |
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Emina Ibrahimovic | Consultant energy transition (wind energy & circularity) | Netherlands |
NO 932 226 162 | Henrik Selstam | CEO | Sweden |
Nordex SE | Alex Renk | Technical Sustainability Specialist | Germany |
Northern Offshore Services | Emma Andersson | Project Manager | Sweden |
Nuveen Infrastructure Clean Energy | Paula Perez | Senior Wind Engineer | Spain |
Nve | Alexander Flem | Engineer | Norway |
NVE | Mads Bjørkeland | Senior adviser | Norway |
NVE | Amaresh Neguse Eyob | Engineer/Consultant | Norway |
Offshore Norge | Turid Oygard | Manager co-existence | Norway |
Offshore Norge | Kirsten Løland | Manager Environment | Norway |
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult | Lorna Bennet | Senior Engineer - Sustainability | United Kingdom |
Orsted | Daniel Kamyno Rasmussen | Lead Decommissioning Engineer | Denmark |
Orsted | Lucy Shaw | Consents & Decommissioning Specialist | United Kingdom |
Orsted | Paul Kirk | Consent Manager | United Kingdom |
Orsted Germany GmbH | Gundula Fischer | Project Manager | Germany |
Otary Rs NV | Wendy Goossens | COO | Belgium |
Parkwind NV | Chris Blommaert | Sustainability Officer | Belgium |
Plaswire Limited | Andrew Billingsley | CEO | United Kingdom |
Politecnico di Milano / FiberEUse Tech | Marcello Colledani | Professor | Italy |
POM West-Vlaanderen | Rebecca Verhaeghe | project manager Blue Energy | Belgium |
Q ENERGY | Laurie GILBERT | Deputy head of repowering and partnerships | France |
Quantum Synergy | Jared Owen | Owner | United States |
REIA | William Izod | Vice President | Belgium |
RenerCycle | Marta Barreras | CTO | Spain |
Renerga UAB | Paulius Petraska | Technical director-deputy director | Lithuania |
Renerga UAB | Rokas Barniskis | Financial analyst | Lithuania |
Renewable Dynamics | David Robb | CEO | United Kingdom |
Renewables Norway | Ingun Spjelkavik | Advisor | Norway |
RenewableUK | Friederike Andres | Policy Manager | United Kingdom |
RenewableUK | Nick Hibberd | Policy Analyst | United Kingdom |
RENVO | Nicolas Vrecourt | Managing Director / Founder | France |
RENVO | Alexandre Bousquet | CEO | France |
RES | Eric Singhroy | SME Analyst | Sweden |
RES Renewable Norden AB | Sofia Helge | Head of Onshore Wind | Sweden |
Rio Energy | Pedro Lima | Contracts Manager | Brazil |
RISE | Alann Andre | PhD, Senior Researcher | Sweden |
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | Fredrik Holmgren Holm | Innovation & Process Leader | Sweden |
Royal Society of Chemistry | Daniel Korbel | Science Policy Unit Lead | United Kingdom |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Volker Tuerk | Head of Sustainability | Germany |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Christina Schober | Project Manager Operations | Germany |
RWE Offshore Wind GmbH | Behiye Bahadir | Sustainability Manager | Germany |
RWE Renewables Management UK Ltd | Rudi Young | Operations Portfolio Management & Delivery | United Kingdom |
RWE Renewables UK | Harriet Thomas | Senior Consents Manager | United Kingdom |
RWE Renewables UK | Tim Robins | Team Lead Offshore Consents West - Offshore Development UK & Ireland | United Kingdom |
S&P Global | Camilla Naschert | Reporter | Sweden |
scottish power | Luiza Sampayo | Sustainability Manager | United Kingdom |
ScottishPower Renewables | Joseph Whelan | Energy Policy Analyst | United Kingdom |
SDU-AAU | Jean-Thomas PENET | Environmental Engineering | Denmark |
Seaway 7 Offshore Contractors B.V. | Richard den Hollander | Global BD & Account Management Director | Netherlands |
Semco Maritime | Jonathan Russ | Sustainability Advisor | Denmark |
Sensing360 | Tycho Sonnemans | Business Development | Netherlands |
Shell | patrick versavel | Supply Chain Mgr | Belgium |
Shell | Maarten van Ruitenbeek | Production Manager | Netherlands |
Shell Global Solutions International b.v. | Marcus van Zutphen | Environmental and Circularity lead Renewables | Netherlands |
Siemens Energy | SERGIO VELEZ | Head of Business Development Operations | Spain |
Siemens Energy A/S | Muzaffar Kadirov | Global Sales Manager | Denmark |
Sirris | Bert Conings | Senior Engineer Energy Transition | Belgium |
SkySpecs | Patrick Strom | Head of Global Growth | United States |
SSE Renewables | Krasi Trifonova | Engineer | United Kingdom |
Statkraft | Lotte Nordal | Project Sustainability Manager | Norway |
Statkraft | Valeria Basterra | Head of Innovation Spain | Spain |
Statkraft AS | Alejandra Galeano | Sustainability Trainee | Norway |
Statkraft Energi AS | Silvia Brown Bergly | Project developer | Norway |
Stena Recycling | Louise Drue Andersen | Wind Segment Manager | Denmark |
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) | Shane Holden | Senior Renewable Energy Specialist | Ireland |
Svea Vind Offshore | Per Edström | Head of Technology | Sweden |
Svensk Vindkraft (magazine) | Joakim Rådström | Journalist | Sweden |
Swedish agency for marine and water management | Jonas Bjärnstedt | Analyst marine spatial planning | Sweden |
Swedish Wind Energy Association | Ylva Tengblad | Sustainability | Sweden |
Swedish Wind Energy Association | Daniel Badman | CEO | Sweden |
Technical University of Denmark | Justine Beauson | Research Engineer | Denmark |
Technische Universität Wien | Stefanie Eisl | Univ.-Ass. | Austria |
The Crown Estate | Ian Cox- Owen | Regional Portfolio Manager South East & Irish Sea • Marine - Offshore Wind | United Kingdom |
The Danish Energy Agency | Nicklas Thrimar | Advisor | Denmark |
TNO | Harald VAN DER MIJLE MEIJER | Senior Consultant Wind Energy | Netherlands |
TNO | Simone Mancini | Project Manager | Netherlands |
TNO | kamiel jansen | LCA specialist | Netherlands |
TNO | kamiel jansen | LCA specialist | Netherlands |
TotalEnergies | Magali Collin | Sustainability Lead - Wind R&D | France |
UL Solutions | Asier Olcoz | Project Engineeer | Spain |
UL Solutions | Katja Hummel | Project Manager | Germany |
University of Birmingham | Natanael Bolson | MTC Fellow | United Kingdom |
University of Copenhagen | Anya Dahl | PhD Student | Denmark |
University of Edinburgh | Joseph Burchell | Research Fellow | United Kingdom |
University of Groningen/ Maastricht University | Julia Gabriela Smid | MSc student/ PhD candidate | Netherlands |
University of Leeds | Anne Velenturf | Associate Professor in Circular Economy | United Kingdom |
University of Oslo | Peder Østring | PhD-Student | Norway |
Utilitas Wind | Mairika Kõlvart | Environmental expert | Estonia |
UWE Bristol | Carla De Laurentis | Senior Lecturer | United Kingdom |
UWEA, MCL Group | Kateryna Knysh | Analyst, Head of Business Development | Ukraine |
Vattenfall | Mads Theilsø | Asset Manager | Denmark |
Vattenfall | Emma Tierney | Decommissioning Engineer | United Kingdom |
Vattenfall | Merete Bertelsen | Sustainability Specialist | Denmark |
Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH | Eva Julius-Philipp | Director Environment & Sustainability BA Wind | Germany |
Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH | Christoph Ruck | Lead Project Manager Decommissioning | Germany |
VDMA Power Systems | Haras Najib | VDMA WG Wind Industry | Germany |
Vector Renewables Italia Srl | Giulia Piantoni | Technical Advisor | Italy |
Ventolines BV | Wouter Hoeksema | Asset Manager | Netherlands |
Vestas Wind Systems | Allan Poulsen | Head of Materials and Sustainable Scaling | Denmark |
Vestas Wind Systems | Nina Kølln Wittig | Materials specialist | Denmark |
Vestas Wind Systems | Line Kristensen | Product Manager, Repair | Denmark |
Vestas Wind Systems A/S | Andrew Harwell | Senior Sustainability Specialist | Denmark |
VUB | Jakob Gebel | PhD Student | Norway |
Westlake Epoxy | Gerhard Muller | Director Product Stewardship | Germany |
Wien Energie GmbH | Joel Mensah | Circularity Lab Lead | Austria |
WindTech A/S | Mathias Jensen | PR and Marketing Manager | Denmark |
wpd windmanager GmbH & Co. KG | Peter Spengemann | Director Repowering | Germany |
Ørsted | Iris Tügel | Lead Commercial Manager | Denmark |
Ørsted | Alison Williams | Consent Manager | Denmark |
Ørsted | Charlotte Boesen | Permitting Manager | Denmark |
Ørsted A/S | Johan Schoonhoven | Senior circularity advisor | Denmark |
Ørsted A/S | Julien Denizot | Commercial Manager | Denmark |
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