SpeakersProgramme committeePresenters’ dashboardWho should attend?Stakeholder engagement: involving communities in end-of-life decisions
When: Thursday, 5 December 2024, 10:00 - 11:15
Where: Room R11 / registration required (click to sign up)
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Session description
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As seats for this session are limited, we require a pre-registration if you 'd like to be part of the session.
Involving local stakeholders is crucial in both the development and decommissioning of wind farms, though the focus shifts. Development involves addressing environmental and visual concerns, and economic benefits like job creation. Decommissioning focuses on dismantling impacts, site restoration, and future land use, emphasizing transparency and minimizing disruptions. While development engagement has advanced, experience with decommissioning is limited. This accelerator session will focus on fostering community involvement during decommissioning, an area with less established practices.
Session chair

Guy Willems
Strategic Communications Officer, WindEurope

Anne Velenturf
Senior Research Fellow in Circular Economy, University of Leeds

Nina Vielen-Kallio
Manager Circularity in the Energy Transition, ECHT regie in transitie

Gian Marco Gioffré
Advisor Sustainability, WindEurope
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