SpeakersProgramme committeePresenters’ dashboardWho should attend?Planning for end-of-life: insights from Belgium's offshore wind sector
When: Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 15:45 - 16:30
Where: Room G3
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Session description
Since offshore wind decommissioning is still in its early stages, many questions linger regarding cost efficiency, logistical planning, environmental impact, and legal constraints. Initiatives like Ready4Decom and OWiDEx (Offshore Wind Decommissioning Expertise) are expanding existing knowledge and fostering long-term collaborations between research institutions, government agencies, and industry stakeholders. The purpose of this session is to provide insight into how these collaborations can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of offshore wind farm decommissioning and practical solutions.
Session chair

Rebecca Verhaeghe
Project Manager Blue Energy, POM West Flanders

Overview of the Belgian decommissioning plan
Rebecca Verhaeghe
Project Manager Blue Energy, POM West Flanders

Potential for repowering of the Belgian Eastern offshore wind zone
Nicolas Meerts
Technical lead Wind Resource Assessment and Technical Advisory, 3E

Formulation and quantitative evaluation of decommissioning scenarios for the Belgian wind farms
Bert Conings
Senior Engineer Energy Transition, Sirris
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