SpeakersProgramme committeePresenters’ dashboardWho should attend?Is there a business case for recycling techniques?
When: Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 15:45 - 16:30
Where: Room G4
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Session description
A rising number of decommissioned wind turbines and a landfill ban on decommissioned wind turbine blades in Europe by 2025 poses not only a significant environmental challenge but also raises questions about recycling economics. Is there a strong business case for it? Consider the potential for cost savings, regulatory incentives, and the chance to position your company as a sustainability leader, along with the opportunities to create new jobs and industries. Join us as we explore how companies are addressing these critical issues.
Session chair

Christian Johansson
Director, Plug and Play

Allan Korsgaard Poulsen
Head of Advanced Structures and Sustainability, Vestas

Continuum: create sustainable circular solutions to turn waste into high-value materials
Jesper Levy
Business Development Manager, Continuum

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