Presenters and Speakers | EoLIS 2023

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Presenters and Speakers

Mr. Ludwin Daal

Consultant / owner, BlueXPRT


Founder and director of BlueXPRT bv. Ludwin has a chemical and environmental engineering background and worked in waste, biomass, and water consultancy for over 15 years. He has over 10 years of experience as an R&D project manager. He has worked within the Process and Cooling water group within legacy KEMA (later DNV GL than SWECO) which provides services to heavy industry. His main tasks were R&D project management, water chemistry, and business development. He is a successful project manager capable of bringing technologies to pre-commercial stages. This has earned him and his team several innovation nominations and his projects are considered success stories by the European Commission. He is often contracted by the European Commission to evaluate proposals and has been appointed technical expert in water chemistry trials. He is capable of processing large sums of complex information and pinpointing the key aspects. He is a passionate speaker and has spoken at different international conferences namely in Qatar, Australia, India, China, South Africa, Europe, and the United States of America.


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