Day two, 19 November
Day one, 18 NovemberDay two, 19 NovemberDay three, 20 NovemberWebinar11:00-12:15
Plenary: Making a business case for lifetime extension
Lunch break
Lifetime Extension and Health & Safety
Digitalisation and digital twins to predict failures
Side events & networking
Plenary: Making a business case for lifetime extension
Of the 22 GW reaching their economic end of life, WindEurope estimates that 17.8 GW will receive a lifetime extension. How can we make sure that these sites remain profitable? In other words, how do we ensure that maintenance costs remain low while safety standards remain high? How can PPAs be a solution to reach financial viability?

Tiziana Mainieri
Head of Project Execution Repowering & Refurbishment, Enel Green Power

José Javier Ripa
EMENALA Business Development Manager, UL

Heike Santen
Director Forecasting and Optimisation, Vattenfall

Marc Holtz
O&M Manager, RES

Morten B. Vindbjerg
Head of Product Life cycle Management, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Oliver Metcalfe
Wind Energy Associate, BNEF
Lifetime Extension and Health & Safety
This session will address human safety when life-extending wind parks. This is critical to ensure a smooth running of operations facing turbines at their theoretical end-of-operations.

Ralph Savage
Head of Communication, GWO

Marina Martin-Tretton
Global Head of Practice, Inspections, DNV GL

Jorge Montes Del Pino
Digitalisation and digital twins to predict failures
Digitalisation can already reduce maintenance costs. Where are the latest developments in predictive maintenance for lifetime extension?

Scott Gilbert
Global Head of Engineering and Construction, Falck Renewables

Filipe Magalhães
Associate Professor at Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
I&D Project WindFarm SHM related to the optimisation of new methodologies to continuously assess the structural elements of the wind turbines: tower, blades and foundation

Henrik Pedersen
Diagnostic Intelligence Solution Architect, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Should a manufacturing company worry about 50.000 irregularities, or is it actually something to celebrate?

Inese Legzdina
Directo PMO, Scada International
Scada International on Scada data optimisation, in particular data Access to lower the costs

Won Shin
Head of Machine Learning and Analytic Products, Onyx Insights