Who should attend? | EoLIS 2023

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Who should attend?

1. Wind Turbine Designers and Manufacturers

Professionals involved in the design, manufacturing, and development of wind turbines who want to gain insights into end-of-life considerations and strategies. This includes engineers, project managers, and sustainability officers.

2. Wind Farm Owners and Operators

Individuals responsible for managing renewable energy projects and assets (wind farms and co-located assets), who want to benefit from understanding best practices and strategies for decommissioning and repurposing wind turbines and their components at the end of their lifecycle.

3. Energy Industry Professionals

People working in the broader energy industry, including executives, policymakers, and consultants, who want to gain knowledge about the environmental, economic, and regulatory aspects related to wind turbine end-of-life strategies.

4. Environmental and Sustainability Experts

Professionals focused on environmental impact assessment, sustainability, and resource management interested in understanding but also contributing expertise to the sustainable disposal, recycling, and repurposing of wind turbine components.

5. Academic and Research Community

Researchers, professors, and students involved in renewable energy, engineering, environmental science, or related disciplines who want to explore the challenges, innovations, and emerging trends in wind turbine end-of-life strategies and help shape new solutions.

6. Government Agencies and NGOs

Representatives from governmental organisations, environmental agencies, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) responsible for policy making, regulation, and environmental protection wanting to understand the nexus between the Net Zero industry objectives, the necessary scale-up of renewable energy and the environmental implications and policy considerations associated with the end of life of wind turbines: decommissioning, recycling, sourcing raw materials, repowering, lifetime extensions.

7. Financial Institutions and Investors

Professionals from financial institutions, investment firms, and venture capitalists interested in renewable energy projects to gain insights into the financial aspects, risks, and opportunities related to wind turbine end-of-life strategies.

Attendee focus

The EoLIS event covers such a wide range of interesting topics around wind turbine end-of-life issues and strategies that it draws an equally diverse mix of attendees. Click on the slides below to discover four different profiles who will share with you their reasons for attending the event next week!

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WindEurope Annual Event 2022