A group of European agricultural machinery manufacturers fly to California
A group of European agricultural machinery manufacturers fly to California to assess the market for producing wind turbines. 20-30 turbines are shipped and installed from Europe to California by the end of the year
EWEA is formed in September, in Stockholm.
EWEA is formed in September, in Stockholm. It has no staff or budget of its own, and represents individuals rather than organisations. Gijsbrecht “George” Piepers is elected as Chairman
One of the first wind turbines
One of the first wind turbines – a 22 kw Bonus model, 1982
Denmark’s Development Program for Renewable Energy is established
Denmark’s Development Program for Renewable Energy (the UVE program) is established
The first European wind farm
The first European wind farm (5 x 20 kW turbines) opens on Greek island of Kythnos
Wind turbine size reaches 55 kW
Wind turbine size reaches 55 kW
Growian’s 3 MW two-bladed turbine
Growian’s 3 MW two-bladed turbine with 100 metre rotor diameter erected in Germany. It is abandoned in 1988
Europe exports 350 turbines
Europe exports 350 turbines, with a total capacity of 20 MW, to California
In 1983 EWEA joins
In 1983 EWEA joins the then British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) in publishing Wind Directions that started in 1977
In Denmark, vestas
In Denmark, Vestas starts serial production of a 75 kW three-bladed turbine
Enercon develops its first turbine
Enercon develops its first turbine, the E-15/16 (55 kW)
First official European wind energy conference (“EWEC”)
First official European wind energy conference (“EWEC”) held in Hamburg
European Wind Energy Association logo, 1984
European Wind Energy Association logo, 1984
The EU announces funding for 97 demonstration
The EU announces funding for 97 demonstration projects and trials up to 1989
West German firm, WindkraftZentrale
West German firm, WindkraftZentrale, begins exporting wind turbines
The Dutch government sets up a financin
The Dutch government sets up a financing programme the ‘Integraal Programma Windenergie’ (IPW) – for the wind turbine industry in the Netherlands
Vestas decides to concentrate exclusively on wind energy
Vestas decides to concentrate exclusively on wind energy
Germany launches 100 MW wind energy
Germany launches 100 MW wind energy support programme
The UK announces plans for its first wind farm
The UK announces plans for its first wind farm
Fifteen single-bladed MBB
Fifteen single-bladed MBB (Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm) turbines go up in Germany. They are eventually dismantled in 1992
Danish Bonus company begins series production
Danish Bonus company begins series production of a 450 kW three-bladed machine with 35 metre rotor
Danish government sets target for 800-1,350 MW
Danish government sets target for 800-1,350 MW of wind energy by the year 2000
Europe’s largest wind farm installed in Jutland
Europe’s largest wind farm installed in Jutland, Denmark (42 x Nordtank 300 kW turbines)
EWEA publishes action plan for European wind energy development
EWEA publishes action plan for European wind energy development, showing potential for Installed capacity of: |
BY 2000 BY 2010 |
BY 2005 BY 2030 |
First offshore wind park constructed
First offshore wind park constructed at Vindeby off the coast of Denmark with eleven 450 kW turbines
First UK wind farm opens at Delabole
First UK wind farm opens at Delabole in Cornwall, with ten 400 kW wind turbines
Ten 30 kW wind turbines from German Aeroman
Ten 30 kW wind turbines from German Aeroman are installed on Sijiao island off the Shanghai coast of China
Germany introduces feed-in tariff law
Germany introduces feed-in tariff law for renewable energy (Einspeisegesetz) with payment to producers of 90% of retail electricity price per kilowatt hour.
Enercon builds first E-40 direct drive (gearless) turbine
Enercon builds first E-40 direct drive (gearless) turbine
British Board of Trade announces new government
British Board of Trade announces new government target for wind energy of 3,500 MW of installed capacity
France installs its first wind farm in the Tramont
France installs its first wind farm in the Tramonte wind corridor of the western Mediterranean using four Vestas 500 kW turbines
Spanish company Gamesa starts joint venture
Spanish company Gamesa starts joint venture with Vestas to manufacture wind turbines in Spain
Europe’s wind capacity overtakes that of the US
Europe’s wind capacity overtakes that of the US
Danish manufacturer Nordex
Danish manufacturer Nordex erects prototype of 1.5 MW turbine in Denmark. Vestas and German company Tacke soon follow suit
European Commission publishes Green Paper
European Commission publishes Green Paper on energy policy, with commitment to increase contribution from renewables
France launches a tender programme
France launches a tender programme with a target for 500 MW by 2005: “Eole 2005“
The Iranian government
The Iranian government—the world’s fifth largest oil producer—orders its first wind farm, comprising 300 kW Nordtank turbines
The Kyoto Protocol is agreed
The Kyoto Protocol is agreed in Japan, with a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5% of their 1990 level by 2012
1997: EWEA’s new target
EWEA’s new target for installed capacity in Europe: |
BY 2000 BY 2010 |
BY 2030 |
An EU White Paper sets non-binding
An EU White Paper sets non-binding goal to double Europe’s share of renewable energy from 6% to 12% (14 to 22% of electricity supply) by 2010
World wind capacity moves past 10,000 MW
World wind capacity moves past 10,000 MW
Enercon celebrates erection
Enercon celebrates erection of the company’s 1,000th E-40 turbine
Vestas floated as a public company
Vestas floated as a public company on the Copenhagen stock exchange
EWEA, Greenpeace and the Danish Forum for Energy
EWEA, Greenpeace and the Danish Forum for Energy and Development publish the Windforce 10 report, showing how wind could generate 10% of global electricity by 2020
EWEA secretariat moves from London to new offices in Brussels
EWEA secretariat moves from London to new offices in Brussels
First large-scale offshore wind farm
First large-scale offshore wind farm, Middelgrunden, is erected off Copenhagen. 8,500 shareholders in Danish cooperative share 50% ownership of the 20 Bonus 2 MW turbines
New German Renewable Electricity Law
New German Renewable Electricity Law continues support for wind energy through fixed payments per kWh of output over 20 years
European Directive on Electricity from Renewabl
European Directive on Electricity from Renewable Sources sets national indicative targets for each EU member state with an overall goal of 22% by 2010
France introduces fixed tariff support
France introduces fixed tariff support system linked to target for 10,000 MW of wind capacity by 2010
UK opts for Renewables Obligation
UK opts for Renewables Obligation, with rising quota for renewable energy linked to green certificates
EWEA is represented at the Earth Summit
EWEA is represented at the Earth Summit in Johannesburg that calls for more renewable energy around the world
Horns Rev offshore wind farm opens
Horns Rev offshore wind farm opens in Danish North Sea (80 x Vestas 2 MW turbines)
Multinational corporation General Electri
Multinational corporation General Electric buys Enron Wind Corp, with both US and European manufacturing bases
Spanish government sets target for 13,000 MW of wind by 2011
Spanish government sets target for 13,000 MW of wind by 2011
Vestas and NEG Micon merge to form
Vestas and NEG Micon merge to form the world’s largest turbine manufacturer, Vestas
2003: EWEA’s new targets
EWEA’s new targets for installed capacity in Europe: |
BY 2010
BY 2020 |
According to a report commissioned
According to a report commissioned by the British government, global offshore wind power would increase from around 170 MW in 2003 to reach almost 11 GW by 2007
The UK opens its first offshore wind farm
The UK opens its first offshore wind farm, North Hoyle, with 60 MW of capacity
Siemens buys Bonus Energy of Denmark
Siemens buys Bonus Energy of Denmark, the fifth largest wind turbine manufacturer, and joins the wind energy business
German turbine manufacturer REpower installs prototype 5 MW turbine
German turbine manufacturer REpower installs prototype 5 MW turbine
Danish blade manufacturer LM
Danish blade manufacturer LM Glasfiber produces its longest blade yet – 61.5 metres in length
Global Wind Energy Council
Global Wind Energy Council formed with members from more than 50 countries
US government extends the Production Tax
US government extends the Production Tax Credit incentive to the end of 2007, encouraging new wind industry boom
China sets target for 30 GW of wind power by 2020
China sets target for 30 GW of wind power by 2020
US wind power capacity leaps above 10 GW
US wind power capacity leaps above 10 GW
France sets goal to develop more than twice
France sets goal to develop more than twice as much new wind power as new nuclear and coal over the next ten years
2006: EWEA’s new target for installed
EWEA’s new target for installed capacity in Europe: |
BY 2030
A wind turbine supply agreement commits Spanish
A wind turbine supply agreement commits Spanish Iberdrola to buy 2,700 MW, valued at €2.3 billion, from manufacturer Gamesa
European Technology Platform
European Technology Platform for Wind Energy is launched. It aims to direct funding towards research priorities up to 2030
Wind overtakes fuel oil
Wind overtakes fuel oil as the 5th largest form of power generation capacity
EU adopts new binding target for 20%
EU adopts new binding target for 20% renewables in energy supply by 2020
Eurobarometer survey shows that 71%
Eurobarometer survey shows that 71% of EU citizens are “very positive” about the use of wind power in their country
Italy passes a Financial Act
Italy passes a Financial Act including a green certificate scheme for renewable energy
Nine zones are identified around Britain’s
Nine zones are identified around Britain’s coast for construction of 25 GW of wind farms in the third round of government sponsored offshore development
Iberdrola Renovables and Gamesa
Iberdrola Renovables and Gamesa sign an agreement to develop and manage some wind projects together, and to supply 4.5 GW of turbines
Wind power provides 2% of worldwide electricity
Wind power provides 2% of worldwide electricity
Europe accounts for 48%
Europe accounts for 48% of the world’s wind energy capacity
The EU’s 2009 Renewable Energy
The EU’s 2009 Renewable Energy Directive is agreed, committing Europe to getting 20% of its energy from renewables by 2020
The European Parliament’s energy
The European Parliament’s energy committee agrees to dedicate €565 million to offshore wind projects as part of the EU Economic Recovery Plan
world’s first full-scale floating wind turbine starts operations
September: Hywind (2.3 MW), the world’s first full-scale floating wind turbine starts operations in the North Sea
Ten North Seas Countries
Ten North Seas Countries agree to work together to develop an offshore electricity grid
The European Commission allocates over €902
The European Commission allocates over €902 million to electricity interconnection projects as part of its broader European Economic Recovery Plan
The British government announces
The British government announces the go-ahead for offshore wind farm development areas with a capacity ten times greater than Europe’s existing European offshore wind energy capacity
Denmark’s wind power share of electricity reaches over 20%
Denmark’s wind power share of electricity reaches over 20%
In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear
In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, Germany announces plans to shut down all nuclear plants by 2022 as well as double the country’s share of renewable energies, including wind energy
The EU Energy Roadmap 2050
The EU Energy Roadmap 2050 is launched, binding renewable energy targets for 2030 could be in place by 2014
2011: EWEA’s new targets
EWEA’s new targets for installed capacity in Europe |
BY 2020
BY 2030 |
The European Parliament votes
The European Parliament votes to create a dedicated budget line for wind energy research and development for the first time
WindFloat (2 MW), the world’s second
WindFloat (2 MW), the world’s second floating offshore multi-megawatt wind turbine, starts generation 5km off the coast of Portugal. It was the first to be deployed without the use of any offshore heavy lift vessels
The European Commission launches its Renewable Energy Strategy
The European Commission launches its Renewable Energy Strategy
Alstom’s 6 MW Haliade
Alstom’s 6 MW Haliade begins generating electricity during certification testing
The world’s largest offshore wind farm
The world’s largest offshore wind farm opens off the coast of Cumbria, England. It has a capacity of 367 MW
EU reaches 100 GW wind power milestone
EU reaches 100 GW wind power milestone
Wind overtakes nuclear
Wind overtakes nuclear as the 4th largest form of power generation capacity
MEPs offer lifeline
MEPs offer lifeline to the ETS by voting in favour of backloading
Wind energy industry installs more new capacity than gas and coal combined
Wind energy industry installs more new capacity than gas and coal combined
European Commission 2030
October: EU heads of state and government set renewables target of 27%
Onshore wind cheaper than coal
Onshore wind cheaper than coal, gas and nuclear, according to European Commission report
February: European Commission launches plan for the ‘Energy Union’
February: European Commission launches plan for the ‘Energy Union’
2015: EWEA’s new target
EWEA’s new targets for installed capacity in Europe: |
BY 2020 LOW BY 2020 CENTRAL BY 2020 HIGH |
BY 2030 LOW BY 2030 CENTRAL BY 2030 HIGH |
IKEA announces a €1 billion
IKEA announces a €1 billion commitment to wind, solar and climate action. Other companies also take to wind energy to power their businesses including BMW, General Motors, Nissan, Honda, CEMEX, Heineken, LEGO, IKEA, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple
December: Paris climate deal
December: Paris climate deal shows energy transition commitment towards wind power and more than 70 non-EU countries highlight wind energy in their national climate plans
February: wake up call for policymakers
February: wake up call for policymakers as China overtakes EU on cumulative wind installations
July: Dutch tender brings offshore wind
July: Dutch tender brings offshore wind on a par with conventional power generation as DONG Energy surprises the industry with its record-low bid of €72.7/MWh for the Borssele I and II wind farms
November: Vattenfall amazes the market
November: Vattenfall amazes the market with a winning bid of €49.9/MWh for the Danish Kriegers Flak offshore wind project
November: European Commission publishes
November: European Commission publishes a proposal for a revised Renewable Energy Directive to make the EU a global leader in renewable energy and ensure that the target of at least 27% renewables in the final energy consumption in the EU by 2030 is met
June: 10 European countries sign a memorandum
June: 10 European countries sign a memorandum of understanding for regional cooperation in the North Sea to further the deployment of offshore wind energy
Wind generates enough to cover Denmark’s
Wind generates enough to cover Denmark’s entire power demand on 22 February
Hywind Scotland: The world’s first floating wind farm is commissioned
18 October 2017 – Hywind Scotland: The world’s first floating wind farm is commissioned. 5 turbines of 6 MW each are connected to test floating technology in a park layout.
April: the results of the German offshore tender shock
April: the results of the German offshore tender shock the energy business as EnBW and DONG Energy announce the world’s first subsidy-free offshore wind farms (to be developed by 2025)
May: Spain returns to wind energy with record low prices
May: Spain returns to wind energy with record low prices
The Netherlands announces that the first Dutch offshore wind farm without subsidies is to be built
20 March 2018 – The Netherlands announces that the first Dutch offshore wind farm without subsidies is to be built.
Ørsted’s Walney Extension becomes the world’s largest operational offshore wind farm
6 September 2018 – Ørsted’s Walney Extension, located in the Irish Sea, becomes the world’s largest operational offshore wind farm with 659 MW in total.
Mercedes-Benz makes the first corporate PPA deal in Germany for 46 MW of wind power
18 December 2018 – Mercedes-Benz makes the first corporate PPA deal in Germany for 46 MW of wind power. The PPA will support the wind farm’s operation when government incentives come to an end in 2021.
Ørsted and Northumbrian Water Group sign the UK’s first Offshore Wind Energy PPA to deliver 100 GWh every year for the next 10 years
1 March 2019 – Ørsted and Northumbrian Water Group sign the UK’s first Offshore Wind Energy PPA to deliver 100 GWh every year for the next 10 years.
In 2019, wind energy represented 300,000 jobs in Europe. 75% of these are in onshore wind and 25% in offshore.
December 2019 – In 2019, wind energy represented 300,000 jobs in Europe. 75% of these are in onshore wind and 25% in offshore.
Hornsea One is now the largest offshore wind farm in the world. In just two years the project holding this record nearly doubled in capacity.
January 2020 – Hornsea One is now the largest offshore wind farm in the world. In just two years the project holding this record nearly doubled in capacity.
The 1 GW Fosen Vind complex in Norway is commissioned and becomes the largest onshore project in Europe.
August 2020 – The 1 GW Fosen Vind complex in Norway is commissioned and becomes the largest onshore project in Europe.
The Dogger Bank wind farm raises €9.4bn and becomes the largest project ever financed.
November 2020 – The Dogger Bank wind farm raises €9.4bn and becomes the largest project ever financed. It is set to become the largest wind farm in the world with 190 GE Haliade-X 13 MW turbines that will deliver 2.4 GW to the UK grid.
Europe now has 220 GW of wind capacity and an additional 105 GW of new wind farms will be built over the next five years, provided Governments deliver on their ambitions.
January 2021 – Europe now has 220 GW of wind capacity and an additional 105 GW of new wind farms will be built over the next five years, provided Governments deliver on their ambitions.
The first tender under the new Spanish auction design resulted in record low prices for new wind energy in Europe. The lowest wind energy bid was awarded at a price of €20/MWh.
January 2021 – The first tender under the new Spanish auction design resulted in record low prices for new wind energy in Europe. The lowest wind energy bid was awarded at a price of €20/MWh.
The Danish Government announces it will build the first energy island in the North Sea. The Danish North Sea Energy Island will merge up to 10 GW of offshore wind farms and will combine transmission, storage and power-to-x technologies to transport the energy to countries where demand is highest.
January 2021- The Danish Government announces it will build the first energy island in the North Sea. The Danish North Sea Energy Island will merge up to 10 GW of offshore wind farms and will combine transmission, storage and power-to-x technologies to transport the energy to countries where demand is highest.
Larger onshore turbines are helping to repower projects. Now wind farm capacity can almost double with 30% fewer turbines.
April 2021 – Larger onshore turbines are helping to repower projects. Now wind farm capacity can almost double with 30% fewer turbines.