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Tuesday, 27 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 The supply chain - thinking ahead!
Supply chain  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall F

This supply chain session looks at opportunities for mitigating risks by transferring offshore approaches to onshore operations. It explores how an industrialised non-EU country is preparing for wind ramp-up and how development of new technology can still use an existing supply chain.

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Learning objectives

Delegates will be able to:

  • Explain how certification helps to ensure market compliance and technical risk mitigation;
  • Describe how new product developments use established production processes;
  • Elaborate on how the supply chain can contribute to lower levelised cost of energy;
  • Explain that manufacturing surveillance can reduce risk wind farm loss of production;
  • Describe the diversified supply chain of a non-EU high technology country.
This session will be chaired by:
Thorsten Landau, Sourcing Leader EMEA, GE Wind Energy GmbH, Germany


Karl Steingröver DNV GL, Germany
Karl Steingröver (1) F Peter Schmidt (1) Inge Wickenkamp (1)
(1) DNV GL, Hamburg, Germany

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope Summit 2016 and are published here unedited

Dr. Karl Steingröver studied mechanical engineering at the University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld and wrote his doctorate thesis at the University of München in 1993. Until 2007 he worked at the FZG (Forschungsstelle für Zahnräder und Getriebebau, TU München) as chief engineer. In 2007 he joined DNV GL, Energy, Renewables Certification, where he now holds the position of a senior principal engineer. He is responsible for the areas machinery components and condition monitoring systems.


Intelligent onshore manufacturing surveillance


Manufacturing surveillance is one main method to reduce risks of wind farm loss of production during operation. Thus, national government or other national authorities in general are requesting manufacturing surveillance as part of the Project Certification for offshore wind farms. For onshore wind farms this is not the case. Therefore Project Certification is not well known by developers and operators of onshore wind farms. Because of the expenses for a full Project Certification, the benefits of a Project Certificate are not recognized by the onshore market yet. In this paper a significant cost reduction method is presented, which is attractive for onshore and offshore wind farms.


Main body of abstract

The manufacturing surveillance as one decisive part of the Project Certification shall assure that the components of a wind turbine conform to the Type Certificate of a wind turbine. As a rule (for example according to /1/) 25 % of the decisive components need to be surveyed during manufacturing for Project Certification.

The benefits of manufacturing surveillance are also not fully recognized by the onshore market yet. Again it is questioned if the expenses for a manufacturing surveillance will be paid off during the life time of a wind turbine. However, an intelligent manufacturing surveillance with a scope, which concentrates on critical components only, could be of interest for onshore wind parks.

According to /1/ and /2/ the decision, whether a component is critical or not, depends on the design of the component, the site conditions and the ability of the component manufacturer. In this paper the development of an intelligent strategy for the detection of critical components, for rating the site conditions and for categorizing each component manufacturer for the onshore manufacturing surveillance is described.

Design of the component:
The basic idea for the intelligent strategy for detecting critical components is that all decisive components of a wind turbine shall be analysed based on available information and rated. This rating will show, whether a component is critical or not. A list of decisive components was established and for each decisive component a list of characteristic criteria was created. For the component rating the criticality and importance of the criterion are considered.

Site conditions:
The site conditions are characterized by wind conditions, soil conditions, wind farm configuration, environmental conditions and electrical grid connections. From these the turbulence intensity and the wind speed distributions were selected for rating the site conditions. Since both quantities are of a complex character, a simplified calculation procedure was developed in order to evaluate the load potential of the site conditions and of the design conditions of the turbine.

Component manufacturer:
The basic idea for the intelligent strategy for categorizing a component manufacturer is that individual characteristics for a component manufacturer shall be analyzed based on available information and categorized. This categorization has to be done only once for a specific component manufacturer. The categorization considers criticality and importance of the characteristic.


A tool was developed, by which the detection of critical components described above, can be easily figured out. Further on the necessary amount of manufacturing surveillance for these components is calculated.

An example calculation using real wind turbine and wind farm data showed, that this approach in many cases leads to lower percentages of manufacturing surveillance compared to the fixed values listed in the applicable guidelines and standards and therefore will be more cost competitive.

Although this tool is related to onshore wind farms, it can be easily expanded for use in the offshore area.

/1/ GL-IV-1:2010 – Certification of Wind Turbines
/2/ IEC 61400-22:2010 – Conformity testing and certification

Learning objectives