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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 Droning On! The use of UAVs in wind turbine O&M
O&M & logistics  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall F

This session will give an overview of the emerging technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), otherwise called drones, and their application to the remote inspection of wind turbines, with an emphasis on the assessment of blade damage. It will look at what has been done to date and what the capabilities may be for the future. Finally, it will consider the advantages and disadvantages of different inspection techniques.

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Learning objectives

  • List the ways in which wind turbine blade damage can be assessed using drones;
  • Identify the potential advantages of drones over other approaches to turbine assessment;
  • Anticipate future developments in drone technology and associated instruments.
David Infield, Professor of Renewable Energy Technologies, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom


Carlos Bernabeu ARBOREA INTELLBIRD S.L., Spain
Bernabeu Carlos (1) F Jorge Pedron (1)

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope Summit 2016 and are published here unedited

CEO of Arbórea Intellbird, a company co-founded by Iberdrola for the development, manufacture and marketing of Aracnocóptero®, an air system remotely piloted specialized to inspection wind turbine blades.
He has conducted aerial inspection operations for Endesa, Iberdrola and Enel, among others from 2011.

Carlos studied Biology at the University of Salamanca.

- Director of the First civil pilot Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) training schoolin Spain. Collaborating UAS School of the Air Force.
- Responsible for multiple projects R&D applied to Environmental Management for Public Administrations within and outside Spain.
- Founder and President of the Spanish Association for Falconry (2002/2006) and Spanish Member of the advisory Iberoamerican falconry archives(


Drones are here! Predictive blade maintenance based on deferred inspection model with RPAS and software analysis


Wind industry demands high value technical solutions for the inspection of blades,
looking for predictive maintenance procedures with efficiency / economy criteria. This
sector shows interest in applying new technologies to improve these processes,
including the use of RPAS or "drones".


In this paper a disruptive inspection method based on RPAS designed specifically for
wind inspection is described, as well as a software platform for inspection data
processing. The procedure has been developed by Arbórea Intellbird, a company
investee by Iberdrola, pioneer in this kind of operation since 2011.

Main body of abstract

An agile process that allows the creation of complete high resolution-overlapping
blades maps in visible and thermal spectrum, defectology detection, measurement
and positioning of damages and automated reports through a processing system
absolutely digital and deferred is described. This analysis allows detecting even no
visible structural defects such as deficiencies in glue lines, discriminating defects
severe and urgency.


The system, is being implemented by Iberdrola, and allows set up new procedures
for blades predictive maintenance that save significant costs in subsequent
operations and allow increase wind turbine operating life. The paper includes the
proven experience of deep inspection of a significant volume of Iberdrola "potential
risk" blades located in several countries.

Keywords: Deferred Inspection, RPAS, digital mapping, wind turbine,
processing, automated report, predictive maintenance, operating life

Learning objectives
New aerial inspection method using drones and software create news scene for the OM world.The procedure for the system technical validation and its operating advantages oriented to reduce major correctives,
predictive maintenance and operating life extension is also analysed in this new model and its reports interesting conclusions.