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Thursday, 29 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 Optimising O&M to reduce LCOE
O&M & logistics  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall G1

This session will consider a number of approaches to reduce the cost of wind energy and to maximise the performance of the turbines. It will consider the latest innovations in pitch design and offshore support vessels, robust methodologies to maximise wind farm lifetimes and how the intelligent use of turbine measurements (SCADA and LIDAR) can maximise performance. Finally, we will look at the innovations required to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy.

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This session will be chaired by:
Sven Utermöhlen, Director Offshore Wind, E.ON Climate&Renewables GmbH, Germany
Christof Devriendt, Scientific Coordinator OWI-lab, OWI-lab / VUB, Belgium


Julien Léon DEWI, France
Julien Léon (1) F Alix Pradel (1) Edward Burin des Roziers (1) Aurélie Bencharel (2) Thomas Galopin (2) Romain Fabre (2)
(1) DEWI, LYON, France (2) EuroCape New Energy, Montpellier, France

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope Summit 2016 and are published here unedited

Julien Léon is working at DEWI as Due Diligence Team Leader. His team consists of experts with background and experience in project development, wind farm construction as well as wind turbine technology and operation. His team’s responsibilities include among others pre-finance due diligence, M&A due diligence, construction monitoring, wind farm performance assessment, wind turbine inspections. Prior to this position, Julien was in charge of wind resource assessments and Due Diligence projects at DEWI since 2011. Before joining DEWI, Julien gained a first experience in wind and solar projects development in France and Germany. He received his Master of Sciences in Energy and Environment from the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon.


A case study of maximising the use of SCADA data and nacelle mounted LIDAR to optimise wind farm performance


The assessment and optimization of the wind farms performance is a key challenge for operators. A large amount of data is available as well as technical solution for measurement like remote sensing. DEWI has supported a wind farm operator in assessing the performance of its wind farm maximizing the use of SCADA data and Nacelle Mounted LiDAR.


This paper will describe the approach, methodology and results of assessing wind farm performance using detailed data analysis in a first step and nacelle mounted LiDAR in a second step in order to better understand the performance of the wind farm and improve it.

Main body of abstract

First step: Data analysis:
• SCADA data has been analyzed in order to assess:
-Power curve (relative analysis, change in behaviors, curtailments, etc.),
-Energetic availability and production losses,
-Yaw angle and production rose to track out potential misalignment.
• Error logs and operation history has been analyzed to identify:
-Main causes of down times and evolution along the operation,
-Identify issues and components to be further analyzed or monitored.

Second step: Nacelle mounted LiDAR measurement in order to check:
• Yaw alignment,
• Nacelle transfer function,
• Operational Power Curve.


The result of the case study will give indication on how to better use the operational data to assess the performance of the wind turbines and in-depth study and validation by measurement with Nacelle mounted LiDAR.

Learning objectives
1. Maximize use of operational data as first step of performance analysis
2. Use of nacelle mounted LiDAR to gather complementary more accurate data
3. Decide on correction to be applied if underperformance or inaccurate turbine settings