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Poster presentations

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Leading Edge Protection Lifetime Prediction Model Creation and Validation (PO.078g )
Drew Eisenberg
Siemens Wind Power, United States
Poster Award Winner
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TELWIND- Integrated Telescopic tower combined with an evolved spar floating substructure for low-cost deep water offshore wind and next generation of 10 MW+ wind turbines (PO.095 )
Sabrina Dankelmann
MECAL Wind/Energy, The Netherlands
Poster Award Winner
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Power Curve Uncertainties of Rotor Equivalent Wind Speed (PO.277 )
Klaus Franke
Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH, Germany
Poster Award Winner
Download poster: Pdf file (0.55 MB) Full paper not available


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Impact of Wind Topologies on the ISO of New England Nodal Electricity Prices (PO.305 )
Jesus Nieto-Martin
Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Poster Award Winner
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Worldwide standard for automatic bats & birds mortality monitoring (PO.346 )
Michal Przybycin
EMPEKO S.A., Poland
Poster Award Winner
Download poster: Pdf file (0.31 MB) Full paper not available


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The world’s leading experts opine on future wind energy costs and cost drivers (PO.365 )
Volker Berkhout
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Poster Award Winner
Download poster: Pdf file (0.82 MB) Download full paper: Pdf (0.67 MB)