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Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their contribution to O&M activities in offshore wind parks in the North Sea (PO.001 )
Tove Brink
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
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WINDBOX: Advanced Manufacturing Centre to improve competitiveness in the Basque Country Wind Power supply chain (PO.007 )
Jose Ignacio Hormaeche
Basque Energy Cluster, Spain
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Com4Offshore – Securing Vattenfall Sandbank project by leveraging the decision support & risk management system (PO.007a )
Matthias Kraaz
megatel GmbH, Germany
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Rethinking management of O&M projects (PO.008 )
Tove Brink
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
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Analyzing Generator Bearings Fault Development Rates Based on Statistics (PO.010 )
Kun Marhadi
Brüel & Kjær Vibro, Denmark
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Using Cepstrum and Historical Data to Detect Planetary Stage Faults (PO.011 )
Kun Marhadi
Brüel & Kjær Vibro, Denmark
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Craneless blade exchanger for multi MW turbines (PO.012 )
Emmanuel Garcia de la Peña
Leunamme Engineering SLU, Spain
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Optimised management of blade erosion (PO.013 )
Murphy Owen
ORE Catapult, United Kingdom
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Managing Information for Total Asset Management (PO.014 )
Neil Douglas
Natural Power, United Kingdom
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Asset health management as a tool for improving the levelized cost of wind (PO.015 )
Adrian Timbus
ABB, Switzerland
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A Condition Monitoring Algorithm for Analysing Tower and Foundation Integrity (PO.016 )
Francesco Vanni
DNV GL - Energy, United Kingdom
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Generator bearing defect development evaluation based on discrete fault stages (PO.020 )
Ivaylo Dragiev
Brüel and Kjær Vibro, Denmark
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Extending the operational life of your assets – thinking about it early (PO.021 )
Klaus Georg Hansen
DNV GL, Germany
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Analysis of the IAS as a condition monitoring tool by means of a simplified dynamic model of a wind turbine shaft line (PO.023 )
Jose Gomez
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A Game Changer for O&M (PO.025 )
David Matthews
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, United Kingdom
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SHManager - a Web-User-Interface for data management, analysis, interpretation and presentation of Condition Monitoring Systems (PO.027 )
Peter Furtner
VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH, Austria
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Recommended practices for data collection, reliability assessment and O&M optimisation (PO.028 )
Berthold Hahn
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Predictive Analysis and Benchmarking: Demystifying Failure (PO.029 )
Neil Douglas
Natural Power, United Kingdom
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Towards Excellence in Operations & Maintenance (PO.030 )
Guido Van den Belt
OutSmart, Germany
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Development of an O&M tool for short term decision making applied to offshore wind farms (PO.031 )
Rafael Dawid
Strathclyde University, United Kingdom
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Offshore Structural Health Monitoring: Concept of a Global Monitoring System Based on the Structure Dynamic Behaviour (PO.032 )
Jens Krieger
Airwerk GmbH, Germany
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Analysing the lifetime of a wind turbine – operation past design life (PO.033 )
Jürgen Holzmüller
8.2 Ingenieurbüro Holzmüller, Germany
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Indepency to enhance accuracy on power curve measurements (PO.035 )
Jose Javier Ripa
UL, Spain
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The research on hull form performance and application of China offshore maintenance vessel for wind farm (PO.036 )
Xie Yunping
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China
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Modelling the failure behaviour of wind turbines (PO.037 )
Stefan Faulstich
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Increased reliability of service life extension through field measurements at the individual wind turbine (PO.038 )
Christoph Heilmann
BerlinWind GmbH, Germany
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Study on the Types and the Performance of Maintenance Ship of Chinese Offshore Wind Farm (PO.039 )
Yue Chen
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China
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Lowering wind turbine maintenance cost in Brazil by implementation of a SCADA-data based analysis mechanism (PO.042 )
David Philipp
Energo Engenharia, Germany
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Reliability of power converters in wind turbines: Results of a comprehensive field study (PO.043 )
Katharina Fischer
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Improved quality of rotor balancing measurements through criteria from the guideline VDI-3834-1:2015 (PO.044 )
Christoph Heilmann
BerlinWind GmbH, Germany
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The Optimization and Return on Investment Modeling for Implementation of LIDAR Systems on Offshore Wind Turbines (PO.045 )
Peter Sandborn
University of Maryland, United States
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Online non-intrusive condition monitoring and fault prognosis for wind turbines (PO.048 )
Raed Ibrahim
Loughborough University, United Kingdom
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Assessing Wind Speed Effects on Wind Turbine Reliability (PO.049 )
Maik Reder
CIRCE - Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
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Effective installation of high-voltage cable systems offshore (PO.052 )
Magnus Waldo
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland
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A Study on Vibration Signals of Wind Turbine through the Condition Monitoring System (PO.053 )
Kyungnam Ko
Jeju University, Korea, Republic of
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Economic and financial optimization of a wind park revamping: a case study (PO.054 )
Andrea Bartolazzi
SR International srl, Italy
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Step change in cost and size for powerful HVDC offshore wind connections (PO.056 )
Peter Sandeberg
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Sweden
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Performance evaluation of a commercial de-icing system in one-year operation of a wind farm (PO.057 )
Konstantinos Gkarakis
HWEA-TEI Athens, Greece
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Corporate crowdsourcing for knowledge (PO.058 )
Quintin Thom
MaintenanceTV, United Kingdom
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Big data enabled farm wide drivetrain load distribution analysis for O&M and lifetime optimization (PO.059 )
Jan Helsen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel/OWI-lab, Belgium
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Importance Ranking for Revenue of A Wind Farm Case Study: Spain (PO.062 )
Nurseda Yildrim Yurusen
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Extending the scope of gearbox oil condition monitoring for wind turbines: Identified challenges and recommendations (PO.063 )
Diego Alejandro Coronado Guzman
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Study of Feature-Selection-Algorithms with powerful 3D insights for Wind Turbine Failure Prediction using SCADA Data (PO.066 )
Juan José Cárdenas Araujo
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Lifetime prediction of power electronic devices focusing on wind energy plants (PO.068 )
Holger GrokeHolger
IALB, University of Bremen, Germany
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Synergies that energize - delivering complex service packages that cut costs and increase efficiencies (PO.069 )
Stefan Marschner
CWind, Germany
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Wind Energy Benchmarking (PO.070 )
James Ingham
Sciemus, United Kingdom
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Taking advantage of portfolio diversity (PO.072 )
Scott EIchelberger
Vaisala, United States
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Decommissioning & Installation of Wind Energy Equipment with Synthetic Sling Solutions (PO.074 )
Alvin Abraham
Samson Rope Technologies , United States of America
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Wind Turbine Fault Forensic Analysis of SCADA Data Using Machine Learning (PO.075 )
Juan José Cárdenas Araujo
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Reducing LCOE through innovation in the design of the pitch control system (PO.078 )
Padman Prasad
Moog, United States of America
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Automatic Anomaly Detection in Offshore Wind SCADA Data (PO.078a )
Steffen Dienst
University of Leipzig, Germany
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Neural Networks for Wind Turbine Fault Detection via Current Signature Analysis (PO.078c )
Raed Ibrahim
Loughborugh University, United Kingdom
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New technologies for wind turbines foundation repair. (PO.078d )
Alberto Gonzalo
HCC, Spain
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Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing; a smarter way to manage your fleet (PO.078e )
Bob Smith
Mytrah Energy, India
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Online Power Cables Condition Monitoring using Integrated SMART-SENSING Fibre Optic DAS Technology (PO.078f )
Kuljit Singh
OptaSense Ltd, United Kingdom
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Leading Edge Protection Lifetime Prediction Model Creation and Validation (PO.078g )
Drew Eisenberg
Siemens Wind Power, United States
Poster Award Winner
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An Innovative Umbrella-Type Rotor of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine to Regulate Power and Reduce Wind Thrust (PO.081 )
Wei Xie
Tsinghua University, China
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Development and design of elastic, rubber-based components in order to mounting various units along the power train of wind turbines (PO.083 )
Thomas Boehme
Freudenberg Schwab Vibration Control, Germany
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Improve the wind energy efficiency through the use of smart rotors: French National Project SMARTEOLE (PO.086 )
Olivier Coupiac
Université d' Orleans, France
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Making nonlinear state estimation techniques ready for use in industrial wind turbine control systems (PO.088 )
Bastian Ritter
Industrial Science GmbH, Germany
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Novel method of strain gauging wind turbine blades (PO.091 )
Peter Greaves
ORE Catapult, United Kingdom
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Experiences with Model Predictive Control for the W2E-120/3.0fc (PO.094 )
János Zierath
W2E Wind to Energy GmbH, Germany
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TELWIND- Integrated Telescopic tower combined with an evolved spar floating substructure for low-cost deep water offshore wind and next generation of 10 MW+ wind turbines (PO.095 )
Sabrina Dankelmann
MECAL Wind/Energy, The Netherlands
Poster Award Winner
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Numerical Comparison of Drifting Sea Ice and Wave Loads on Different Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures (PO.097 )
Jaakko Heinonen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland
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Manufacturing tolerances influence permanent magnet synchronous generator generator (PMSG) performance (PO.098 )
María Teresa Villén
CIRCE Foundation, Spain
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Efficiency Improvement of Vertical-axis Wind Turbines with Counter-Rotating Lay-out (PO.101 )
Nicolas Parneix
Nenuphar wind, France
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Advances in Jacket Foundation Design for Offshore Wind Farms in Chalk (PO.103 )
Trevon Joseph
Atkins, United Kingdom
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Reactive Power Control to Improve Reliability of High Wind Power Converters Connected in Parallel (PO.107 )
Youngjong Ko
University of Kiel, Germany
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Advanced Wind Turbine Generator dedicated protection and control system (PO.108 )
Iker Martin Cuartango
Ormazabal, Spain
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Dual pitch revisited: Overspeed avoidance by independent control of two blade sections (PO.109 )
Philipp Brosche
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Simplify the complexity of your drive train by certification - saving cost and generate added value (PO.110 )
Axel Dombrowski
DNV GL -Energy, Germany
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Control strategy for ensuring tower clearance allowance whilst maximizing Annual Energy Production (PO.111 )
Carlos Molins
Acciona WindPower, Spain
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Innovative design process to optimise a spherical roller bearing for wind turbine rotors (PO.116 )
Peter James
SKF, Sweden
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Multi-physical investigation of innovative WTG drivetrain concepts using the example of the Winergy “HybridDrive” (PO.118 )
Sebastian Reisch
RWTH Aachen - Center for Wind Power Drives , Germany
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Holistic analysis of turbine performance indicators (PO.119 )
Selena Farris
Natural Power, United Kingdom
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Innovative technologies to achieve 10 GW offshore wind energy in China (PO.120 )
Hua Ye
East China electric power design institute, China
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CFD simulations of a wind turbine for analysis of tip vortex breakdown (PO.121 )
Keita Kimura
The University of Tokyo, Japan
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Development and Validation of Structural Models for Wind Turbine Composite Blades (PO.122 )
Lin Wang
Cranfield University, United Kingdom
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Experimental validation of pharwen code using data from vertical-axis wind turbines (PO.123 )
Joanna Kluczewska-Bordier
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LIFES 50+: Floating offshore wind for the future (PO.125 )
Petter Andreas Berthelsen
Marintek, Norway
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Gain-Scheduled Control of Blade Loads in a Wind Turbine-Generator System by Individual Blade Pitch Manipulation (PO.126 )
Tetsuya Wakui
Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
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Free Contact Angles in Pitch Bearings and their Impact on Contact and Stress Conditions (PO.127 )
Fabian Schwack
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
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Design optimization and upscaling of a semi-submersible floating platform (PO.128 )
Mareike Leimeister
NTNU, Norway
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Individual pitch control for wind turbine load reduction recognizing atmospheric stability (PO.129 )
Dimitrije Kotur
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
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Windmill for wind machines with pneumatic power transmission (PO.132 )
Endre Mucsy
Dr. Mucsy Endre self-employed, Hungary
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Nacelle slippage of a multi MW wind turbine: Influence of different braking models for the yaw system (PO.133 )
Moo-Gyn Kim
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
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Dynamic response of semi-submersible supporting structure with three pontoons of offshore wind turbine (PO.138 )
Peng Ni
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China
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Advanced Data Analytics for Next Generation Product Development (PO.141 )
Philip Totaro
Totaro & Associates, Germany
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Concert – Control and uncertainties in real-time power curves of offshore wind power plants (PO.144 )
Gregor Giebel
DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
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Investigation of wind turbine gearbox bearing subsurface damage ‎considering transient loading and the separation of MnS inclusion (PO.145 )
Hamza Al-Tameemi
The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
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High performance nonlinear model predictive control for wind turbines (PO.146 )
Axel Schild
IAV GmbH, Germany
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Developing an Aeroelastic Stability Analysis Process for Large Wind Turbines using Multibody Simulation (PO.149 )
Alireza Rezaeian
MesH Engineering GmbH, Germany
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CFD analysis of a 5kW Portable Marine Wind Turbine (PO.150 )
Cian Desmond
University College Cork, Ireland
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Controlling loads in a wind turbine drivetrain (PO.161 )
James Packer
Ricardo UK Ltd, United Kingdom
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State-Of-The-Art Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Design Practice (PO.162 )
Kolja Müller
University of Stuttgart, Germany
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IEA Wind Task 35 - Full Size Ground Testing of Wind Turbine Nacelles (PO.163 )
Tobias Duda
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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Double Slip Joint - innovative foundation connection for offshore wind turbines (PO.167 )
Boudewijn van Gelder
KCI the engineers, The Netherlands
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Machine Learning Algorithms for Wind Turbine Power Performance Monitoring – Tracking optimal yaw alignment based on SCADA data (PO.168 )
Sebastian Kaus
Senvion, Germany
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Offshore energy storage in deep water for floating wind turbines (PO.170 )
Jozef Peeters
Picanol, Belgium
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Advanced Dynamical Sub Models for more precise Load Calculations of WTGs (PO.176 )
Jörg Schwarte
Nordex SE, Germany
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2nd generation wind energy: Airborne Wind Energy (PO.176a )
Richard Ruiterkamp
Ampyx Power, The Netherlands
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World’s First Triple Turbines Ultra Wind Power Generation System (PO.176b )
Daryoush Allaei
Sheer Wind, Inc., United States
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Field test comparison using different LiDAR systems for Complex terrain (PO.177 )
Nobutoshi Nishio
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd, Japan
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Evaluating differential temperature measurement (PO.179 )
Miriam Degginger
Ammonit Measurement GmbH, Germany
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Wind Power Forecasting techniques: ANN vs. ANN-CFD hybrid approach (PO.180 )
Catherine Meissner
WindSim AS, Norway
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Investigation of WRF configuration for offshore wind resource maps in Japan (PO.181 )
Mari Kato
Kobe University, Japan
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Experimental study on effects of buoy motion on offshore wind speed measurement (PO.182 )
Hiroto Ichikawa
Kobe University, Japan, Japan
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Improved site-assessments for building permits in Germany (PO.183 )
Moritz Rodenhausen
Siemens, Germany
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Added value of LiDAR correction methods from a user's perspective (PO.185 )
Carolin Schmitt
juwi Energieprojekte GmbH, Germany
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Self-adaptive Wind Speed Forecasting Method for New Wind Farm (PO.186 )
Niya Chen
ABB, China
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Industry standard compliant offshore wind speed measurements, on floating platform (PO.187 )
Dimitrios Stamakos
Estia Consulting & Engineering S.A., Greece
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Remote Sensing Measurement Height Verification (PO.189 )
Klaus Franke
Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH, Germany
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Site assessment for a type certification icing class (PO.190 )
Kai Freudenreich
DNV GL Renewables Certification, Germany
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Performance analysis of Mitsubishi Electric's wind lidar in the measurement campaign at European test sites (PO.192 )
Nobuki Kotake
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan
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Advances in the Treatment of the Influence of Meteorological Variables on Wind Turbine Power Curves in Warranties (PO.193 )
Axel Albers
Deutsche WindGuard, Germany
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Influence of tip speed ratio on a real wind turbine wake profile using LiDAR (PO.199 )
Satoshi Nakashima
The University of Tokyo, Japan
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Automated Assessment of Lidar Uncertainty in Complex Terrain (PO.202 )
Paul Mazoyer
Leosphere, France
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An innovative method to calibrate a spinner anemometer (PO.205 )
Nick Janssen
ROMO Wind, Denmark
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Toward an efficient data sampling methodology for micro-siting CFD simulations regarding thermal stratification (PO.211 )
Chi-Yao Chang
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Quality of of synthetic winds by testing of similaryty to measured data by spectral modelling, rainflow count analysis and statistics of increments (PO.212 )
Hans Georg Beyer
University of Agder, Norway
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Comparison of the new wind flow model FUROW with WAsP and OpenFoam for different topographic features (PO.213 )
Javier Magdalena
Etulos Solute S.L., Spain
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IEA Wind Task 36 on Wind Power Forecasting (PO.214 )
Gregor Giebel
DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
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Comparing observed and modelled cloud base height for ice assessment (PO.215 )
Simo Rissanen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
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Generation and validation of spatial distribution of hourly wind speed time-series using machine-learning (PO.221 )
Stefano Grassi
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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An assessment of the impact of pre-construction energy yield analysis on post-construction budgets (PO.222 )
Selena Farris
Natural Power, United Kingdom
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UniTTe –Turbine performance assessment with nacelle lidars (PO.225 )
Rozenn Wagner
DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
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Icing: Consequences for the operation and power production of wind turbines in the Jura Mountains, Switzerland (PO.229 )
Sara Koller
Meteotest, Switzerland
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Investigation of the fetch effect using onshore and offshore vertical LiDARs (PO.230 )
Susumu Shimada
AIST, Japan
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The importance of doing it right: long-term correction (PO.234 )
Wiebke Langreder
Wind Solutions, Denmark
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Short time ahead wind power production forecast (PO.237 )
Alla Sapronova
Uni Research AS, Norway
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How climate data can help improve planning within the wind sector (PO.238 )
Alberto Troccoli
University of East Anglia/World Energy & Meteorology Council, United Kingdom
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Extreme Wind Calculation Applying Spectral Correction Method – Test and Validation (PO.239 )
Ole Steen Rathmann
DTU, Denmark
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Accuracy comparison of mesoscale model simulated offshore wind speeds between Japanese and German coastal waters (PO.240 )
Takeshi Misaki
Kobe University, Japan
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A Comparison of the UK Offshore Wind Resource from the Marine Data Exchange (PO.241 )
Peter Argyle
Loughborough University, United Kingdom
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How to define the wake decay constant for onshore wind farms? (PO.242 )
Jochanan Kollwitz
Uppsala University, Sweden
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Windshear and Windveer Characterization for Resource Assessment Improvement (PO.246 )
Alfonso Ruiz
Acciona Windpower, Spain
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Impact of Tree Growth on AEP Estimates & Uncertainty (PO.247 )
Carlos Silva Santos
Megajoule Inovação Lda, Portugal
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Pitch and Roll Angle Calibration for Scanning LiDARs to Reduce Uncertainties in Measurement Height (PO.248 )
Klaus Franke
Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH, Germany
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Wind models: from measurements to final use (PO.251 )
Stephane Sanquer
Poster presentation not available Full paper not available


Accuracy of load assessments based on modelled turbulence - The German example (PO.253 )
Lasse Svenningsen
EMD International A/S, Denmark
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Methods for long-term correction in a post-construction energy yield analysis (PO.254 )
Øyvind Byrkjedal
Kjeller Vindteknikk, Norway
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Short-term wind speed forecasting by combination of neural networks (PO.255 )
Ramon Velo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
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Turbulence Intensity measurement techniques for pulsed Lidars – the current status (PO.256 )
Matthieu Boquet
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Comparison of Pre-Construction Energy Assessments and Operating Wind Farm's Energy Yields (PO.257 )
Kai Moennich
UL International GmbH - DEWI, Germany
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Scientific Planning and Design of the Southern German Wind Energy Test Site in Complex Terrain (PO.262 )
Andreas Rettenmeier
WindForS, Germany
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A technique to retrieve wind speed at constant height above ground level in complex terrain with a 4-beam nacelle mounted Lidar (PO.263 )
Paul Mazoyer
Leosphere, France
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A novel method for obtaining a wind turbine performance curve (PO.264 )
Elena Gonzalez
CIRCE, Spain
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High Quality Wind Resource in Brazil measured by 230 Met Mast Campaigns (PO.265 )
Paulo Campos
Casa dos Ventos, Brazil
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Wind farm layout optimisation on a discretised 3D domain (PO.266 )
Federica Acerbi
University of Pavia, Italy
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Automated Optimisation Method for Wind Farm Noise (PO.271 )
Matthew Cand
Hoare Lea Acoustics, United Kingdom
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Power curves in a wind turbine array: A numerical study (PO.276 )
Alexander Meyer Forsting
Technical University Denmark, Denmark
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Power Curve Uncertainties of Rotor Equivalent Wind Speed (PO.277 )
Klaus Franke
Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH, Germany
Poster Award Winner
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Measurements for the wind industry: moving beyond the 10-minute averaged data (PO.279 )
Athanasios Katsanevakis
Estia Consulting & Engineering SA, Greece
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IEA Task 32 Lidar Use Cases (PO.280 )
Daniel Gallacher
SgurrEnergy Ltd, United Kingdom
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Project Ukko: seasonal wind speed predictions at a glance (PO.281 )
Albert Soret
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
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Benefits of doing MCP per stability class (PO.282 )
Régis Decoret
3E, Belgium
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The weather roulette: seasonal wind speed predictions vs. climatology (PO.283 )
Albert Soret
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
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Orientation correction of wind direction measurements by means of staring LIDAR (PO.286 )
Michael Schmidt
University of Oldenburg, Germany
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Corrosion in offshore wind energy: assessment of marine aerosol concentration using the CALIOPE air quality modelling system in Europe (PO.287 )
Albert Soret
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
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Predictability assessment of climate predictions within the context of the New European Wind Atlas project (NEWA) (PO.288 )
Albert Soret
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
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Flow corrections for met masts – wind tunnel validation of a CFD tool (PO.291 )
Friedrich Wilts
UL International GmbH (DEWI), Germany
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Variation of offshore turbulence intensity (PO.293 )
Przemek Marek
Prevailing, United Kingdom
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Numerical prediction and validation of turbulence length scale development in complex terrain (PO.294 )
John Amund Lund
Meventus AS, Norway
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A New Opensource and Free Software Tool to Sanitize Project Data and to Enable Data Sharing (PO.296 )
Karim Fahssis
MeteoPole Zephy-Science, France
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Leverage the latest IT methods to enhance wind flow modeling processes (PO.297 )
Karim Fahssis
MeteoPole Zephy-Science, France
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Spotting Suitable Onshore Wind Farm Sites From Space (PO.302a )
Marcello Deplano
Qurus Europe Ltd., United Kingdom
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A Practical Optimization for Offshore Wind Farm Layout (PO.302b )
Yong Zhang
Renowind Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., China
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Dual-Doppler Radar Meets Big Data: A New Vision for Wake Analytics (PO.302c )
Jigar Shah
Envision Energy, United States of America
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Effect of atmospheric stability for wind resource assessment. (PO.302d )
Jannik Thomsen
EGE Haina, Germany
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Co-located Wind Lidar, Advanced Sodar, Measnet Met Mast Cross-Validation Analysis (PO.302e )
Barry Logue
Vaisala, United States
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RNRG #40C Vs Class 1; comparison of operational characteristics (PO.302f )
Kiran Nair
Mytrah Energy, India
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Wind power forecasting based on WRF and ANN enhanced with Statistical Capabilities (PO.302g )
Kiran Nair
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Dynamic Line Ratings Predicted with Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations in Complex Terrain (PO.302h )
Catherine Meissner
Idaho National Laboratory, United States of America
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An analytical storm over the wind power trades : from price-based to market-based incentives, the new project development and O&M tools (PO.302i )
Morgane Barthod
meteo*swift, France
Poster presentation not available Full paper not available


See the posters
Grid integration and stability of 600MW windfarm at Kriegers Flak – the largest power plant in Denmark (PO.304 )
Vladislav Akhmatov Transmission System Operator of Denmark, Denmark
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Impact of Wind Topologies on the ISO of New England Nodal Electricity Prices (PO.305 )
Jesus Nieto-Martin
Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Poster Award Winner
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New technical strategies for the connection of wind power plants into the distribution networks (PO.309 )
Nicolas Girard
Maïa Eolis, France
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Experience with Measurement and Certification of Over Voltage Capability of Wind Turbine after Introduction of the new High Voltage Grid Code VDE 4120 (PO.319 )
Rainer Klosse
WindGuard Certification, Germany
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Dynamic data exchange method between DSO and wind farms for smart grid applications (PO.321 )
Peng LI
Maïa Eolis, France
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Dynamic Line Ratings and Wind Farm Predictions via Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics and Weather Data (PO.322 )
Catherine Meissner
WindSim AS, Norway
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An Optimal Mix of Wind and Solar Power Plants in a Microgrid (PO.323 )
Željko Đurišić
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
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66 kV Cable arrays for Offshore Wind Farms (PO.324 )
Aida Esther Reig Pérez
Prysmian Group, Italy
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Wind farm switching and protection of medium voltage transformers in air insulated technology for substation applications (PO.326 )
Tomasz Komalski
ABB, Poland
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Feasibility study of offshore wind turbines coupled to offshore compressed air energy storage (PO.327 )
Pavle Dakic
University in Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
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Quantification of grid related energy yield losses: Experience gained in German offshore projects (PO.329 )
Martin Strack
Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH, Germany
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See the posters
Ice Throw Hazard - Experiences and Recent Developments in Germany (PO.337 )
Thomas Hahm
F2E Fluid & Energy Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
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How to reduce intervention time of rescue services by more than 50% (PO.338 )
Sebastien Mellinger
RES Southern Europe (RES), France
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IceRisk: Assessment of risks associated with ice throw from wind turbine blades (PO.339 )
Rolv Erlend Bredesen
Kjeller Vindteknikk, Norway
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See the posters
Worldwide standard for automatic bats & birds mortality monitoring (PO.346 )
Michal Przybycin
EMPEKO S.A., Poland
Poster Award Winner
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Teach wind energy in 18 hours? (PO.348 )
Dimitrios Kanellopoulos
Public Power Corporation Renewables, Greece
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Integrated fish farming as a new Offshore Business expansion (PO.353a )
Andreas Grabow
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Going offshore: Combining renewable energy and food production! (PO.353b )
Wei He
Statoil, Norway
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See the posters
Enhanced Business Case Certainty in Emerging Markets (PO.362 )
James Munro
Modern Energy Management, Thailand
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Institutional Investors – Financing wind projects in changing subsidy environment - total return insurance as solution ? (PO.364 )
Thomas Kammann
Energy Risk Solutions GmbH, Switzerland
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The world’s leading experts opine on future wind energy costs and cost drivers (PO.365 )
Volker Berkhout
Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Poster Award Winner
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A Novel Market Value Meso-scale Atlas of Germany (PO.366 )
Johannes Sander
Sander + Partner, Germany
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Commercial PPAs: How Companies are Capitalizing on Utility-Scale Wind Power (PO.368 )
Ian Law
Renewable Choice Energy, United States
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First Commercial Non-recourse Project Finance in Uruguay and for the V126 (PO.370 )
Rosa Tarrago
SOWITEC, Germany
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Price finding in disruptive macro-economic conditions (PO.370a )
Mathias Thamhain
EAPC SUR, Argentina
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