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Room: Hall G1 
Market Developments 
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Session description

The EU will not achieve its climate and energy objectives unless we put electricity into transport and heating. The good news is that an increasing number of motor manufacturers are rapidly developing electric mobility. For renewable heating and cooling, the technologies are mature and readily available. The electrification of these sectors will increase power demand and direct new investments in renewable technologies such as wind energy. Exploiting synergies across the entire energy system can maximise cost-efficient solutions for decarbonisation and a modernisation of energy systems in Europe.

This session will discuss the road ahead for combining renewable power and the uptake of electric vehicles and an increased use of renewable heating. The panel will address the following questions: What will drive electro-mobility forward in all EU Member States? How can we create market conditions that will unlock the benefits of electrification in the heating and cooling sector? How to design the future power infrastructure in order to facilitate variable wind power and electrify sectors? To what extent can wind power and sectors such as transport, heating and cooling serve each other’s needs going forward?


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This session will be chaired by:
Matthias Buck, Agora Energiewende, Germany

Robert Brandt
German Renewable Energy Federation, Germany
| Download presentation: 772_WindEurope2016presentation.pptx (1.85 MB)
Kåre Albrechtsen
Capital Region of Denmark, Center for Regional Development, Denmark
| Download presentation: 749_WindEurope2016presentation.pptx (0.00 MB)
Jelena Simjanović
Transport & Environment,
Daniele Agostini
ENEL, Italy
Paul Voss
Euro Heat and Power, Belgium


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