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World’s First Triple Turbines Ultra Wind Power Generation System

Daryoush Allaei
Sheer Wind, Inc., United States
Abstract ID: 632  Poster code: PO.176b | Download poster: PDF file (0.47 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Dr. Daryoush Allaei has over 28 years of research, development and business experience. Dr. Allaei has provided technical innovation and business leadership through funded research and development, which led to several technological and product breakthroughs. Dr. Allaei‘s technical expertise is in dynamics systems with emphasis on vibration and noise control. Dr. Allaei received his Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 1986. He also taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Mississippi, Minnesota State University-Mankato and Iowa State University. He has over 120 national and international publications and over 30 national and international patents.


World’s First Triple Turbines Ultra Wind Power Generation System


Current wind projects should be installed in the windiest areas often are far from populations & transmission lines. Because of the high wind speed requirement, only 30 to 50% of the USA can have economically feasible wind power plants. The most challenging problem has been high rated wind speed requirement (12 m//s) that results in having high intermittency, low availability ranging from 2,000 to 3,000 hours/year or low capacity factors. Harm to birds and wildlife, and even people have been a problem. The latter is due to large rotating blades installed in the path of bird migration (windy areas). INVELOX offers a new way of viewing wind power and addresses the current challenges.


The INVELOX system funnels wind to increase wind speed and deliver to three turbines housed in series in the Venturi section of INVELOX. Multiple turbines allow for nearly zero downtime and the ability to upgrade should the power demand change. INVELOX is the first wind power generation system with three turbines; often referenced as “The New Face of Wind Power.”

INVELOX solves three key challenges with the current wind turbines. First, the cut in wind speed can be as low as 1 m/s, allowing wind power generation to take place nearly anywhere around the globe. Second, INVELOX has adjustable rated wind speed in the range of 4 to 7 m/s. This is perhaps the most breakthrough feature of the technology. The adjustable rated wind speed allows for capacity factor reach 70 to 90%, significantly reducing intermittent power generation that is often associated with renewable power. Third, the rotor diameter is reduced by 80% allowing for greatly reduced production costs, easier and less costly transportation & installation, and safely housing turbine/generators near ground level, resulting in safer and cost-effective O&M. In addition to the three breakthrough features, INVELOX has no radar interference and does not harm birds, wildlife, or people around it.

Main body of abstract

INVELOX was purchased by the U.S. government and The Nature Conservancy along with The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in 2015. The U.S. Army National Guard has installed one unit near Battle Creek in Michigan in early 2016, and two units will be installed near Camp Grayling in Michigan by September 2016. The Nature Conservancy’s installation is on Palmyra Atoll, a scientific research station and a national wildlife refuge near Hawaii.

The first installation is near Battle Creek. Based on the collected data in 2015 - 2016, wind speeds were increases speed by 7-12 times, with maximum wind speeds reaching 60 meters per second inside the Venturi. This means the power capacity of each of the 3-meter rotor reaches 100kW from a free wind speed of 3 to 5 m/s. The system can have up to three wind turbine generator systems with the total output power reaching over 200kW.

The U.S. government will consider INVELOX installation for facilities across the USA after successful demonstration of the currently installed systems. The Nature Conservancy is using a combination of solar and INVELOX wind power generation systems to make its wildlife refuge free of fossil fuel. Details of the system and its performance will be presented.


Installing INVELOX is the only viable power generation option for many government facilities, wildlife refuges, commercial processing plants, manufacturing plants, and cities that are seeking to be sustainable. INVELOX can easily be installed on existing buildings or be integrated into new construction. Its widespread application has been changing how wind power is perceived through the lens of this innovative and elegantly simple product.

Learning objectives
1) It is possible to install wind power plants in low wind speed areas.

2) It is possible to replace fossil-fuel based generation with wind power not only because it is clean energy, but also due to its high capacity factor and low cost of production.

3) The current prediction of power capacity in each country can easily be tripled using this breakthrough technology.