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Online Power Cables Condition Monitoring using Integrated SMART-SENSING Fibre Optic DAS Technology

Kuljit Singh
OptaSense Ltd, United Kingdom
Abstract ID: 670  Poster code: PO.078f | Download poster: PDF file (0.55 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

His first 20 years of work experience has been involved in developing high technology cost effective solutions within the Power Semiconductors for the renewal and electric vehicle industries. Now more than 9 years of experience in providing fibre optic asset management solutions for Power Utilities Industries.


Online Power Cables Condition Monitoring using Integrated SMART-SENSING Fibre Optic DAS Technology


In today’s increasingly competitive environment, network operators must optimise the efficiency of the grid and maximise the lifetime of assets and it is essential to understand the condition of the network at every point. Achieving and delivering power demands requires certainty clear understanding about what is really happening in the asset, because the integrity of the network is only as robust as the weakest point.


Main body of abstract

Fibre Optic Sensing has been used in power networks for a number of years to detect hotspots and help operators maximise the use of their power cable asset through the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS). The advent of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) now allows the operator to detect what is happening within and around the cable.

OptaSense® DAS has been used in the Oil & Gas industry for a number of years. Many of the applications are also relevant to power networks. DAS systems use Coherent OTDR (C-OTDR) technology. The principal of data acquisition is similar to DTS but Rayleigh backscatter is used in order to monitor vibrations and strain along the entire length of the power cable. This technique allows us to use the optical fibre as an array of thousands of sensors which can be used in a wide range of environments along onshore and offshore power cables for the monitoring of Offshore Wind applications.


This paper discusses the application of OptaSense® DAS within the power network to monitor issues such as a major breakthrough online short-circuit detection and localisation, Third Party Interference, tidal and wave height monitoring; transformer, cable and insulator condition monitoring, as well as the potential to detect the early signs of cable failure.

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