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Advanced Dynamical Sub Models for more precise Load Calculations of WTGs

Jörg Schwarte
Nordex SE, Germany
Abstract ID: 492  Poster code: PO.176 | Download poster: PDF file (0.65 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schwarte, head of loads and control at Nordex Energy GmbH. He has a degree in mechanical engineering and had worked in a range of industries for over 20 years focusing on analysis & simulation. Since 2008 he has been with the wind industry responsible for load calculation, drive train analysis, control and site assessment.


Advanced Dynamical Sub Models for more precise Load Calculations of WTGs


Not Provided


Load Calculation / Study Results

Main body of abstract

Load simulation is a crucial part in the product development process of wind turbine
generators (WTG). While the necessary design load cases (DLC) are defined by
guidelines, e.g. IEC 61400-1 (Ed.3), the model approach representing the dynamical
behaviour of the WTG is almost unconstrained. As hub height and rotor diameter of
WTGs are continuously increasing, the turbines are more and more prone to vibrations
caused by turbulent inflow, wind shear, rotor imbalance, etc.. To cover this load driving
behaviour correctly in load simulations, advanced dynamical model approaches are
required. This leads to an increase of the numerical complexity driving the total
simulation time needed to finish the large number of DLCs determined by the guidelines
like IEC 61400-1 (Ed.3).


The study at hand shows examples (e.g. rotor blade, pitch system and azimuth system)
how the compromise between accuracy and numerical efficiency could be achieved. For
the validation of each of these sub models, thorough measurements have been carried
out showing good correspondence to the simulation results. The impact on numerical
efficiency is pointed out and additional measures to shorten simulation time are
presented. The modelling and the simulation have been implemented using the multibody
software alaska/Wind.

Learning objectives
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