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Feasibility study of offshore wind turbines coupled to offshore compressed air energy storage

Pavle Dakic
University in Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
Abstract ID: 319  Poster code: PO.327 | Download poster: PDF file (0.20 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Pavle Dakić is a first year PhD student on the University in Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Power System department. His biggest field of interest are Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the Distribution Managment Systems. Within this area, he published two papers for national conferences. He finished his master studies first in class ,with GPA 10.0. In addition, as a student he earned numerous awards, of which the most important is award Dositeja from the Ministry of youth and sport.


Feasibility study of offshore wind turbines coupled to offshore compressed air energy storage


One of the ways for offshore wind turbines integration in power system could be established through underwater compressed air energy storage (UWCAES). Low energy density, intermittency, and the relatively stochastic nature wind have hindered the development of high efficiency, low-cost generation solutions. Energy storage technologies are effective tools to mitigate these challenges. However this kind of solution is usually very expensive and oversized.


Technical design for offshore wind turbines coupled with UWCAES is given in order to estimate benefits and flows of this kind of solution. Two aspects are considered: economical and technical.

Main body of abstract

A lot of work has been done on sizing and optimal operation of combined wind power and UWCAES. Often, the storage sizing and operation is based on price data from a specific market and the optimization is solved through various techniques. An aspect that is not taken into consideration in these investigations are technical constraints, hence these operating strategies could allow operation outside the limitations of storage devices. Beside that, load characteristics of consumers are important when planning technical design for wind turbines with UWCAES. They are relevant from the aspect of demand side management which have influence on sizing of UWCAES as well as for stability and long term operation of the used .equipment. All of this facts are included in feasibility study.


Technical and operational constraints have big impact on technical design and must be regarded during planning. Demand side management ensures long term lifetime of UWCAES which is important because of difficulties with maintenance.

Learning objectives
An offshores wind turbines with UWCAES systems capable of storing energy have been designed and investigated. This paper gives a new approach of minimization energy disruptions on rural and isolated consumers supplied from offshore wind turbines, based on the best financial option considering technical restrictions.