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Corporate crowdsourcing for knowledge

Quintin Thom
MaintenanceTV, United Kingdom
Abstract ID: 314  Poster code: PO.058 | Download poster: PDF file (1.50 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Mr Thom has worked in IT services to maintenance for over 30 years. His the team have developed MaintenanceTV, a technical knowledge platform “for maintenance without mistakes”. Mtv provides organizations with the means to tap into the collective know-how of all their technicians (corporate crowd-sourcing) as well as delivering to the mobile traditional documentation (manuals, PDFs, drawings). Mtv can interface with any other system and is fully functional offline. With the Mtv app the technician can obtain exactly the media-rich, stepwise document needed to “get every job right first time” along with total clarity on safety issues.


Corporate crowdsourcing for knowledge


1. Introduction
Every technician knows something of value: the trick is to capture that expertise into actionable, step-by-step know-how that can easily be updated. Such knowledge is required for a range of maintenance problems, most notably troubleshooting where statistics dominate. However probabilities are only partially able to ensure right first time working - what has been missing to now is to easily capture how technicians see situations and make their decisions.


2. Approach
Every technician now has a fantastic reporting and knowledge capture device - the smartphone. Everyone knows how take photos, video and make audio recordings. Together with other special maintenance orientated functions an app was created for knowledge capture

Main body of abstract

3. Main body of abstract
We show how for any problem it is possible to "crowdsource" for particular expertise to solve specific issues. Dashboard information shows what knowledge is required to solve what problems. The crowdsourcing techniques can involve hundreds of technicians and knowledge encapsulated to create step-by-step troubleshooting guides. The process shows how documents can be endlessly improved or iterated


4. Conclusion
The smartphone, cloud, the desire for collaboration means a new departure for solving maintenance situations in completely new ways

Learning objectives
5. Learning objectives
How to use the smartphone, how to capture the collective intelligence of the entire workforce to solve problems ranging from troubleshooting to health & safety.