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Advanced Data Analytics for Next Generation Product Development

Philip Totaro
Totaro & Associates, Germany
Abstract ID: 299  Poster code: PO.141 | Download poster: PDF file (0.22 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Philip Totaro is the Founder and CEO of Totaro & Associates, a market research and innovation strategy consulting firm based in Hamburg, Germany. Mr. Totaro is regarded worldwide as the foremost expert on wind industry technology and intellectual property matters. Mr. Totaro has a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering and over 14 years of experience in strategic planning as well as creating and protecting intellectual capital. He has previously worked for General Electric, United Technologies Corporation, and most recently was head of intellectual property and competitive assessment for Clipper Windpower. He has helped cultivate and disposition over 500 innovations, and his assessments have led to over 300 issued patents. His strategic market analysis has led to the funding justification of over US$500M in R&D investment and the development of multi-million
dollar product and service offerings. He has provided legal and technical due diligence for over US$1.5B in M&A.


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