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Effective installation of high-voltage cable systems offshore

Magnus Waldo
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland
Abstract ID: 288  Poster code: PO.052 | Download poster: PDF file (0.09 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Since 2012 Magnus Waldo is working as Installation Proposal Manager at ABB High Voltage Cables AB. Prior to this he was working for Dynapac Heavy Equipment AB in different roles ranging from Design Engineer over Project Manager up to Product Manager. He started his career as Design Engineer in 1994 at ABB Fläkt Industri AB and worked in the same area from 1995 to 2000 at Roxtec International AB. Magnus Waldo studied Mechanical Engineering with focus on Product Development at the Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.


Effective installation of high-voltage cable systems offshore


ABB is one of world's largest manufacturers of submarine and underground cable systems. The installation of submarine cable systems is very complex and considering the high cost of all the work happening offshore a professional execution preparation is key to success.


The presentation shows how ABB manages to make use of the experiences they have made in hundreds of projects around the world to reduce the risks when planning a new installation.

Main body of abstract

The installation of submarine cable systems is very complex and considering the high cost of all the work happening offshore a professional execution preparation is key to success. Therefore ABB has founded the Offshore Engineering Center (OEC) where the main engineering components for the offshore cable installation are brought together. A team of dedicated experts is working together and focuses on the reduction of risks by a process driven planning of the project and a preparation of the submarine cable installation.

During the pre-engineering work the marine engineers are investigating and evaluating the geophysical, geotechnical and UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) survey reports for the specified cable-laying project.
In the work to develop the Burial Assessment Study (BAS)the soil related risks on the planned cable route are investigated to define the optimal burial method to achieve the required cable protection. During the “Route Engineering-phase” the OEC-team is minimizing the execution risks by adjusting the route, e.g. where possible delays and the increase of costs are expected. The result from the BAS is also an important basis for the interaction with the customer and involved authorities.

Installation Assets – Cable laying vessels and trenching tools:

ABB has different installation assets that are needed for the submarine cable installation as well as frame agreements with suppliers. This will secure the availability of the assets in the different installation projects.
To further enhance the flexibility in future submarine cable projects, ABB announced in September 2015 the investment in a state-of-the-art cable laying vessel. This vessel will enhance capacity and flexibility in submarine cable installation. It will be constructed with ABB specifications and be built at Kleven shipyard in Norway and will contain numerous leading ABB marine technologies. The delivery of the 140 meters long and 30 meters wide vessel is scheduled for 2017.


In different cable projects around the world ABB has made a lot of experiences. The presentation underlines how ABB uses these experiences in the planning of new projects.

Learning objectives
Managing knowledge is one of the key topics in every industry. ABB's approach in the planning of cable projects might inspire delegates to install similar centers with specialists.