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An Optimal Mix of Wind and Solar Power Plants in a Microgrid

Željko Đurišić
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia
Abstract ID: 262  Poster code: PO.323 | Download poster: PDF file (0.50 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Đurišić R. Željko was born on 12th February 1972 in the village of Babino, Berane, Montenegro. He finished his PhD studies with PhD thesis "Modeling and impact analysis of the spatial and temporal wind power profile in the design and operation of wind power plants in the power system" in 2013 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade. Since 2001 he has been employed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univeristy in Belgrade. He currently works as an Assistant professor in the Power System Department. His most important areas of scientific research are: renewable energy sources, digital relay protection, electrical machines and power quality. He is co-author of three books and he is the author / co-author of over 150 scientific / technical papers, 14 of them published in liding international journals.
He is the reviewer of the leading international journals Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews and Applied Energy in the field of wind energy. He participated in the realization of numerous projects and led the drafting of several studies in the field of wind energy. He was winner of the poster competition at the European Wind Energy Conference – EWEC 2009, Marseille, France, 2009. He received an award from the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce for the best PhD thesis at the University of Belgrade in 2013.


An Optimal Mix of Wind and Solar Power Plants in a Microgrid


One of the ways for wind and solar power plant integration in power system could be established through microgrid concept. Microgrids, being organized as a one functional entity, provide the possibility of local optimization of renewable energy production as a way to tackle large scale wind and solar power plant integration issues.


A methodology for optimization of installed capacity of wind and solar power plants in a microgrid is developed. Two different approaches are considered: with and without demand side management. The optimization criterion is the minimization of energy transfer rate between electrical power system and connected microgrid.

Main body of abstract

Intermittent renewable energy sources (RES), like solar and wind power plants, significantly affect the performance of electrical power system (EPS) regarding its voltage profile, power losses and required level of system operating reserves. Their influence is the result of combined distributed renewable generation and load profile of the consumers connected to EPS. Time dependent load diagrams and weather conditions of the available solar and wind resources are independent of one another. In this article time dependent RES generation and load profiles have been statistically analyzed and the conditions under which these profiles are maximally correlated are considered with one year time horizon, so as to achieve their best compatibility. Hence, the power system is observed as a collection of microgrids, which are mutually independent functional entities regarding RES integration. Each of these microgrids has specific characteristics regarding availability of renewable energy sources, as well as load demand, so it represents an optimization space independent of the rest of the power system.


A methodology for optimization of total rated capacity and individual share of solar and wind power plants to achieve maximum compatibility of renewable energy generation with load demand in considering microgrid has been developed. The possibility of load control in the microgrid as a way of additional RES hosting capacity improvement has been analyzed. The obtained results are all verified on real microgrid and measurement data about solar insolation and wind speed.

Learning objectives
This paper introduces an approach for maximization of RES hosting capacity and power system performance in the setting of large scale wind and solar power plant integration.