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Offshore Structural Health Monitoring: Concept of a Global Monitoring System Based on the Structure Dynamic Behaviour

Jens Krieger
Airwerk GmbH, Germany
Abstract ID: 181  Poster code: PO.032 | Download poster: PDF file (0.52 MB) | Download full paper: PDF (0.89 MB)

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Since 2011 Mr. Krieger is working as technical director of the company airwerk. Here, his work focuses on structure monitoring systems in the offshore wind industry and their use in asset management. He is also involved in standard committee work.
Mr Krieger studied physics at the universities of Marburg, Dundee and Oldenburg He started his career in the wind industry in 1996 as founder and director of the company THALES instruments, which specialized in measurement services for the wind industry. Mr. Krieger’s strong engagement in the offshore industry began 2004 with the realization of offshore metmast projects in the German Bight and the Baltic Sea.


Offshore Structural Health Monitoring: Concept of a Global Monitoring System Based on the Structure Dynamic Behaviour


The foundation structures of offshore wind turbines and converter stations are ‘new’ structures:
- The database for design loads is small
- This results in high partial safety factors
- The load bearing characteristics of the subsea soil is complex
- the structures have large dimensions

Monitoring of offshore wind turbines or transformer stations decreases the uncertainties involved with ‘new’ structures.

The main aims are:
- meeting regulatory or third party requirements
- life time prolongation
- complementation of periodic inspections
- assessment of structure condition and safety
- life cycle management

Especially the assessment of structure components under water is a challenge for the wind industry and permanent monitoring systems help to reduce both the costs and the risks involved with ‘conventional’ structure inspections by divers.



Main body of abstract

Most monitoring systems for offshore structures implemented in the past are ‘local’ monitoring systems which focus hotspots.

In contrast, we present the concept of a ‘global’ monitoring system based on ambient vibration monitoring techniques, which we implemented in five offshore wind farms already. Examples of different realizations will be given.


The advantages of the concept are:
- only few and reliable sensors are needed
- sensors can be placed in accessible positions to decrease maintenance costs
- the method focuses on loads and the load bearing characteristics of the structure

Learning objectives
- regulatory requirements
- standards regarding structural monitoring
- importance of defining monitoring aims
- different monitoring concepts and their advantages
- monitoring concepts in other industries
- what is necessary to use monitoring as a tool in asset management, especially in structure inspection concepts