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IEA Wind Task 36 on Wind Power Forecasting

Gregor Giebel
DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
Abstract ID: 162  Poster code: PO.214 | Download poster: PDF file (0.33 MB) | Full paper not available

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope 2016 and are published here unedited

Dr. Gregor Giebel is Senior Scientist at DTU Wind Energy in Risø. His main topic is short-term prediction of wind energy and integration in the grid. He is the Operating Agent of the newly built IEA Wind Forecasiting Task, and collaborates on standardisation within IEC and SGIP. During his 20 years in wind power, he also looked into wind resource estimation, the use of drones for atmospheric measurements, and condition monitoring for the drive train.


IEA Wind Task 36 on Wind Power Forecasting


Wind power forecasts have been used operatively for over 20 years. Despite this fact, there are still several possibilities to improve the forecasts, both from the weather prediction side and from the usage of the forecasts. The new International Energy Agency (IEA) Task on Wind Power Forecasting tries to organise international collaboration, among national weather centres with an interest and/or large projects on wind forecast improvements (NOAA, DWD, UK MetOffice, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb…) and operational forecaster and forecast users.


The Task is divided in three work packages: Firstly, a collaboration on the improvement of the scientific basis for the wind predictions themselves. This includes numerical weather prediction model physics, but also widely distributed information on accessible datasets. Secondly, we will be aiming at an international pre-standard (an IEA Recommended Practice) on benchmarking and comparing wind power forecasts, including probabilistic forecasts. This WP will also organise benchmarks, in cooperation with the IEA Task WakeBench. Thirdly, we will be engaging end users aiming at dissemination of the best practice in the usage of wind power predictions.

Main body of abstract

This poster gives an overview of the IEA Wind Task for Wind Power Forecasting. The Operating Agent is Gregor Giebel of DTU, Co-Operating Agent is Joel Cline of the US Department of Energy. Collaboration in the task is solicited from everyone interested in the forecasting business. We will collaborate with IEA Task 31 Wakebench, which developed the Windbench benchmarking platform, which this task will use for forecasting benchmarks. The task will run for three years, 2016-2018.
Main deliverables are an up-to-date list of current projects and main project results, including datasets which can be used by researchers around the world to improve their own models, an IEA Recommended Practice on performance evaluation of probabilistic forecasts, a position paper regarding the use of probabilistic forecasts, and one or more benchmark studies implemented on the Windbench platform hosted at CENER. Additionally, spreading of relevant information in both the forecasters and the users community is paramount.
The poster also shows the work done in the first 9 months of the Task, e.g. the collection of available datasets and the learnings from a public workshop on 9 June in Barcelona on Experiences with the Use of Forecasts and Gaps in Research.
Participation is open for all institutions in member states of the IEA Annex on Wind Power, see for the up-to-date list.


A new IEA Task on Wind Power Forecasting is presented, opening a forum for international collaboration in this important field for meteorologists, wind power forecasters and end users. For collaboration, please contact the author ([email protected]).

Learning objectives
A new international collaboration forum for information exchange on wind power forecasting exists
Recommended Practices on industry benchmarks and on probabilistic forecast evaluation are underway