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When: Tuesday, 8 April 2025, 16:00 - 17:30
Where: Auditorium 15
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Session chair

Simon Watson
Professor of Wind Energy Systems and Director of DUWIND, TU Delft

Sofia Koukoura
Innovation Manager, Scottish Power

Eliminating the need for a welded landing ring for airtight platform in monopiles: innovation in sealing and installation
Patrizia Moretti
Senior Specialist, Renewables, COWI A/S

Impact of innovative maintenance technologies on offshore wind farm performance
Christian Schläger
Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Implementation of machine learning in bolt tension measurements
Joshua Scott
Director, Research and Innovation, Predictant

Performance analysis of offshore wind O&M activities based on vessel and helicopter movement data
David Baumgärtner
Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Reducing jacket transportation fatigue damage conservatism: a time-domain analysis approach
Graham Holden
Senior Engineer II, Kent